10. Some Time Out

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"So where to now?" Seth asked.

"Let's do some shopping Paige." I suggested. We've been out for almost 2 hours now, we got something to eat, even though I didn't eat much, then we went to an arcade now I wanna shop.

"Definitely." She grabbing my hand and we both ran into the store and started looking around.

"Women and their shopping." I heard Seth mumble.

"Men and their tiny brains." I mumbled and Paige chuckled.

"Hey Corey?" Roman said.

"Yeah." I asked.

"So I got on Jays instagram, she posted this picture one hour ago, and captioned it 'Ran into an old friend today, I missed her so much' wanna see the picture?" He asked.

"Yeah, It's gotta be Meredith." I answered and walked over and looked at the picture.

" I answered and walked over and looked at the picture

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"Yep that's Meredith." I groaned and walked back over to the clothes.

"You know, you are much prettier than her." Roman said.

"Thanks, I guess." I said and mumbled the last part.

"Hey don't worry, we are all here for you." Roman said wrapping his arms around me.

"I hope so, I'm not going around Jay until Meredith leaves." I said.

"No problem with us, we enjoy your company." Paige said giving me a hug.


3 hours later

"It's almost 8, let's go up to the hotel, go in Corey and Romans room and watch these movie and eat candy." Paige said.

"Alright I guess that's fine, we can have a little sleep over." I said.

"Works for me." Seth said in a very girly voice, me and Paige couldn't help but laugh as we walked into the hotel and to the elevators.

"Paige I think your dating a girl." I told her.

"Debatable." She mumbled as we got off the elevator and went to our room.

"I thought they would be here by now." Paige said.

"100 bucks their all in my room waiting for me." I said.

"Your probably right, but I'll bet you their not." Roman said and we shook on that and I walked into my room and of course they were in there.

"Get out of my suit case." I told Jay.

"Oh come on we wanted to borrow something, how are you." Meredith said and gave me a fake hug and put on a fake smile.

"I was fine." I said and Roman handed me my money.

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