9. Info On Our Friendship

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Dean and Jay have been gone for almost 4 hours now and Jay just texted me saying she has a little surprise for me.

"What do you think it is?" Paige asked, I kinda explained to Seth and Paige what's been going one but I didn't tell them like what's wrong with me or anything, just that I'm sick and Jay keeps finding and way to dodge me.

"I swear to god if it's Meredith I'm leaving." I said.

"Who's Meredith?" Roman asked.

"My replacement." I answered.

"So Jay and Meredith are friends?" Seth asked.

"Together they click like how me and Jay do, but when you put all three of us together, it's just terrible." I answered.

"Terrible, how?" Paige asked.

"Like if we were sitting and talking, Meredith talks over me and Jay doesn't even acknowledge it. Like when I'm around them I get completely ignored, but if I wanted to get up and leave Jay would get mad at me and that would cause a fight." I explained.

"Does Jay know you hate her?" Seth asked.

"I've told her before that I did hate her because of other reasons not just what I said about being ignored around both of them, but Jay just keeps saying that she wants us to get along because it would mean a lot to her but there's no way me and Meredith could ever actually get along." I answered.

"You said she did other things?" Roman asked.

"OK well Jay has known her since we were 15 and right from the start when she introduced us, I could see right threw her. But she would like always tag along and but into our conversations, like if I wanted to do something she would beat me to it. Like me and Jay both wanted to do cheer, well Meredith went a head and tried out only because we wanted to, so she did it the day before we wanted to and since there was only two spots left Meredith took one so me and Jay had to back out of that." I explained.

"Jealous Bitch, continue." Paige said.

"Ok, so after that happened like I clearly seen what she was trying to do which was tear me and Jay apart. But Jay didn't really think that of course, so literally every day at school Meredith would tag along and that's when she started talking over me and Jay didn't do anything about it, but like she started telling our secrets to Meredith, like it was really private stuff, so about a week later Jay got sick and had to stay in the hospital, then at home. So I was hearing from other people that Meredith was going around telling personal stuff about me that Jay told her. Jay also told her that I had an eating disorder when I was 13, 14. So she spread that around and every one that I wasn't friends with was calling me an anorexic whore." I explained.

"And Jay didn't care?" Paige asked.

"She cared and she said she would talk to Meredith about it but Meredith said she wasn't the one that spread that around the school when I know damn well she did. But Jay believed her." I answered.

"Jay seems like a horrible friend." Seth said.

"Only when Meredith is around." I said.

"I'm guessing there's more?" Paige asked.

"Yeah whenever I would like someone I would tell Jay obviously and she would turn around and tell Meredith so she would go after them, literally everyone in school that I liked she's dated. This one didn't bother me that much but still, she stole my prom date that I wanted. It was a month before prom and I knew who I wanted to ask, once again I mentioned it to Jay and she told Meredith and I already got a yes from him but he backed out last minute to go with Meredith, so I didn't go to my prom. Jay and Meredith went with their dates." I answered.

"She really stole your date?" Seth asked.

"Yeah, it was the day before prom, he said he didn't wanna go with me anymore. He went with Meredith instead." I answered.

"Well why would he back out on you?" Paige asked.

"My guess is since I didn't wanna sleep with him, I told him that and then he barley talked to me after that. I'm guessing Meredith offered herself to him." I answered.

"Did she still more boyfriends?" Roman asked.

"Yeah she did, before we got injured, I walked in on them having sex in my house, it was 3 days before the event, where we got hurt. And as far as I know, they are still together but if I had a new boyfriend she'd probably dump him, just to go after my boyfriend." I answered.

"How does Jay let all of this slide?" Paige asked.

"She finds a reason behind it, to why Meredith would do it, that or she just doesn't care." I answered.

"I don't like this bitch." Seth said.

"Trust me, I don't either. But nothing she puts me threw is enough to get threw to Jay that she's a horrible person." I said.

"Well if Meredith does show up, please don't leave, just hang with us." Roman said.

"I'm not getting to cozy to you guys, cause then she's gonna wanna hang out with you and once again I get ignored or left out." I explained.

"Sorry but we aren't Jay, maybe we should go out now, eat see a movie, find something to do?" Paige suggested.

"I'll go get changed."

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