17. She's Back

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2 months later

"I've defended this title and proven that I am a great champion." Jaylynn said into the mic as we all stood in the ring, for the past 2 months Jay has defended her title every single week against one of the divas in the locker room and no one has succeeded. Kaitlyn had her rematch the night after Wrestle Mania and she couldn't even beat Jay. I'm not sure any of the current divas can, even Paige tried and couldn't beat her.

"And nobody in that locker room can beat me." Jay said into the mic and I couldn't believe what I heard after she said that. Corey's theme song was playing, we were all shocked.

She walked out like her normal self besides her hair which she clearly changed, she dyed it black

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

She walked out like her normal self besides her hair which she clearly changed, she dyed it black. But she walked out like absolutely nothing was wrong and she came down to the ring and got in. The look on Jaylynns face though, she was probably the most shocked besides me.

"Did you miss me?" Corey said into a mic and the crowd went crazy.

"Jay you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Corey asked her, Jay gulped before speaking into the mic.

"Why are you here?" Jay asked Corey.

"Well I'm here for my Divas Championship match that I earned and never got." Corey said and once again the crowd cheered.

"That was for when Kaitlyn was champion and since you couldn't compete I did and I won and your not getting your match Corey." Jaylynn explained.

"I kinda figured you would try that and I already talked to Stephanie McMahon and I actually have my title match next week on Raw." Corey said and Jays face went blank.

"Are you even cleared to wrestle?" Jay asked Corey.

"I just got cleared today, I'm good to go." Corey answered.

"Fine whatever, just know your gonna lose next week." Jay said.

"Well that would be a first, especially coming from you. You've never beat me before what makes you think you can now?" Corey asked her.

"Well I think you've lost your edge there, you've been out for over 2 months and I've gotten better while you got worse." Jay answered.

"I haven't changed one bit and I can tell that you also haven't changed, you know deep down I'll win." Corey said.

"Whatever." Jay said and she went to get out of the ring.

"Oh Jay." Corey said and Jay turned back around and faced Corey.

"One more thing." Corey said and after a few seconds Corey attacked Jay, she hit her in the head with the mic. Then tackled her and Dean was gonna pull Corey off of Jay but I wasn't letting him touch Corey so I pushed him back and Seth grabbed me and I shoved him away, Paige didn't know what to do.

I turned around and they were both outside of the ring and Corey was throwing her against the barricade and beating the crap out of Jay. Once Corey finally quit she reached into the ring and grabbed the divas championship and raised it while she stood over Jay who was out on the ground.

Where We Left Off - The ShieldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ