Chapter Twenty-Five

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I felt something warm in both of my hands as I began to wake up. When my eyes opened, I had to blink several times to get them adjusted to the bright lights above me. As I looked around, a small pain in my stomach caused me to wince. That's right, I was hit with Gajeel's iron dragon sword spell. He cut straight through me. If there hadn't been pain there to remind me, I would have been convinced I was dead. How on Earthland did I live through that?!

My mind immediately went to Gajeel as I thought about what had happened before I fell unconscious. I wonder if he's alright. I hope the magic didn't come back while I was asleep. I sighed, lifting my head to see what was warming my hands. I grinned when I spotted Jet and Droy. They occupied both sides of my bed, and each of them held one of my hands as they slept peacefully in their chairs. My movement had caused them both to stir, and they soon woke up.

"LEVY!!" They both cried as soon as they saw I was awake.

"Hey guys," I smiled. My voice sounded rough, and my throat was extremely dry. I coughed lightly, wincing again when my stomach hurt.

"How are you feeling?" Jet asked.

"Not great," I chuckled, honestly. "I've been better."

"At least you're awake and talking," he said with a relieved sigh.

"Yeah. We were beginning to think that maybe you wouldn't wake back up," Droy said, squeezing my hand.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked. The two of them grew grimly quiet and exchanged a look. A bad feeling grew within me as I looked between them. "Guys?"

"You've been asleep for a while," Droy said, not looking at me.

"How long is a while?"

"Six weeks," Jet answered.

"What?!" No way. I can't have been asleep that long!

"After your surgery, when you didn't wake up for a couple of days, everyone got worried. The doctor examined you again, and told us you were in some kind of coma. It was caused from a mixture of your injuries and whatever that magic had left inside of you," Droy said.

"Wendy has been healing you, but you hadn't seemed to be getting any better," Jet sighed. "Your injuries are almost healed; you only have some bruising left. Even so, you remained asleep."

"What about Gajeel?" I asked. If I had been unconscious that long, I was sure the magic would have taken him over again. What if he felt guilty over what happened to me and stopped fighting against it? For all I know, he could be in a lot of trouble right now, and I haven't been there to help him!

Droy chuckled, releasing my hand and standing. "Even after what he did, he's still the first thing that pops in your head when you wake up," he sighed, sounding a little defeated. "Don't worry, he's fine. Porlyusica managed to save him the night we brought you to the hospital."

"Really?" I asked, too afraid to truly believe his words. "So, he's alright?"

"Yeah," Droy nodded. "I'm going to get the doctor."

"I'll go tell Master your awake," Jet told me, smiling. "I bet everyone will be excited to see you."

"Thank you," I said, "both of you."

When they left, I let out the tears of relief I had been holding back. "Gajeel. I'm so glad you're okay." I wiped my face when I heard footsteps approaching the door of my room, assuming Droy was returning with the doctor. If they found me crying, they'd think something was wrong.

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