Chapter Five

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It took everything I had not to rip that smiley bastard apart when I saw him grab Levy's hand as we made our way to the library. Hell, I had no idea why I had agreed to come along with them in the first place, but I was already regretting it. I glared at Makoto as he and Levy worked, both bent over the large book she had.

“What?” I snapped, noticing Lily smirking at me.

“Poor Makoto. If looks could kill,” he murmured, looking back down at the book he was reading.

“Look at this!” Levy gasped, pointing to something on her current page. I gritted my teeth when Makoto leaned in to get a closer look and their faces nearly touched.

“I never noticed that before. You're pretty incredible,” he said, smiling at her. She giggled, smiling back at him as a light blush colored her cheeks.

“Come on, Lily,” I growled, grabbing him and heading for the exit.

“Gajeel, where are you going?” Levy asked, running after me.

“I just remembered something I have to do,” I lied, not looking at her.

“Oh,” she said, stopping at the door. “I'll see you at the guildhall, then.”

I didn't respond, dragging Lily behind me as I went.

“Gajeel, put me down!” Lily demanded, angrily. “Why are we leaving? And why did you lie to Levy? I know we don't have to do anything today.”

“I was bored of sitting there,” I snapped.

“Then why did you agree to go?”

“I don't know!” I cursed, putting Lily down and kicking a nearby wall.

“You saw Makoto and Levy together, so you're angry. When are you going to admit that you're jealous?”

“Alright! I'm jealous, damn it! Happy now?” I continued stomping in the direction of our home, still angry.

“Maybe we should go on an extended job,” Lily sighed, flying next to me. “It would be good for you to get out of Magnolia for a few days... Unless, of course, you're going to tell Levy how you feel--”

“A job sounds great,” I said. “Let's go pick one now.” Levy's happy, so why should I tell her how I feel? Hell, I don't even know how I feel! I just know that, even if I did like the shrimp, I wouldn't tell her. Especially now that she's found someone who can make her smile like that.


“Are they not coming back?” Makoto asked as I returned to our table.

I shook my head. “Gajeel said he had something to do.”

“You look disappointed,” he said.

“What? No. Of course not. Why would I be?” I bent over my book, staring intently at the words.

“You're sure you don't like him?”

“I don't like Gajeel!” I snapped, frowning at him.

“Alright,” he held his hands up and smirked, “sorry I asked.”

I returned my eyes to the book, sighing. “I don't like him.” I said it more to myself than Makoto, hoping if I said it enough, I would start to believe it.

We didn't talk for a long time, both of us hard at work deciphering the texts in my book. After nearly three hours, Makoto stood and stretched. “How about taking a break for now? We've been at it for a long time.”

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