Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

“Do it, Jimin. The guilt is eating you alive. You're a monster. This is the only way to stop yourself from doing more terrible things.” The first voice speaks almost soothingly.

After letting out a choked sob, and murmuring “I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me, even though I don't deserve it.” Jimin steps off of the chair.

Within minutes, he's dead.


Two weeks after the incident at Seokjin's former workplace, he's still slowly healing from the bruising Namjoon had done to his ribs when he kicked him. He hasn't gone looking for a new job just yet, but he knows that with his credentials, he'll be able to find one with no problems. Thankfully, with his last paycheck and some money he'd saved up already, he has more than enough money to get by until he finds a new job.

He's sitting on the couch on a quiet Friday evening, comfortable on the couch with his laptop browsing the Internet, when the front doorknob jiggles. Seconds later, Taehyung and Yoongi burst through the door, clinging desperately to each other and scrabbling to close the door as they engage in a heated makeout session. Seokjin clears his throat loudly, and the two men jump away from each other, wide-eyed and panting heavily.

“S-sorry hyung” Yoongi murmurs with a bow. Taehyung mirrors the sentiment and the gesture, and Seokjin can't help but chuckle.

“It's okay. I can see things are going well with you two.” Taehyung blushes and hides his face in Yoongi's neck at those words, much to the amusement of the other two.

“Yeah, they are.” Yoongi rubs Taehyung's back. “How are you feeling, hyung? Are you hurting?”

“A little,” Seokjin answers honestly, “but not badly enough to make me uncomfortable. Could you make me some tea, though?”

“Of course.” Yoongi immediately goes to the kitchen, and Taehyung takes a seat in one of the armchairs next to the couch.

“Hi, Tae.” Seokjin smiles.

“H-hi.” Taehyung crosses his legs. “When I left the hospital earlier, people were asking about you. And Dr. Zhang has taken over seeing Namjoon. But they've had to put him in a straitjacket and cuff him to the bed again, like before. He's gotten erratic, and everyone is worried for their safety.”

Seokjin's heart drops at this. “I can't help but feel like it's my fault for abandoning him.”

“Hyung, you didn't abandon him.” Yoongi, who had obviously heard the whole conversation, walks into the living room and hands Seokjin a steaming mug of tea, earning a soft 'thank you' from the older. “You were watching out for yourself in a dangerous situation. There's nothing wrong with that.” He sits on the couch next to Seokjin, who sets his laptop aside so he can wrap both hands around the mug of tea.

“I just feel like I betrayed him. I was his doctor. I should have helped him.”

“I know, but think of it this way. You can use your experiences that you had there to help so many more people. So please don't think all of this was for nothing.” Taehyung smiles and nods reassuringly. “You did the right thing, and Yoongi and I will both tell you the same thing until you actually believe it.”

Seokjin smiles at the both of them. “Thank you. Really. That means so much to me.” Just when he's about to relax into the cushions again, Taehyung's phone rings, and he frowns.

“It's Dr. Lee.” He swipes the screen to answer. “Hello?” There's a pause, and his eyes widen, his face pales, and he nearly drops his phone. “Oh my God. Is there anything we can do?” His voice is strained, and Yoongi shoots up off of the couch to cradle his boyfriend so he doesn't fall out of the chair. “Okay. Alright. Goodbye.” He ends the call, and Yoongi catches his phone before he can drop it. When Taehyung looks at Seokjin, chills run up his spine.

“What is it, Taehyung?”

“Namjoon has escaped the mental hospital. He killed everyone in his path.”

“No. This can't be happening.” Seokjin starts shaking. “What can we do?”

“Dr. Lee thinks he's going to come after you. He wants the three of us to stay here.”

“Alright, then we're on lockdown.” Yoongi's words are said half jokingly, but the gravity of the situation settles over the three men like a thick, suffocating blanket.


Namjoon can't take it anymore. Being away from Seokjin, not being able to fuck him or talk to him or fantasize about wiping that beautiful smile off of his face with a slice from whatever sharp weapon he can find. He's truly going insane, in every sense of the word, and it gets worse with each day that wears on. The insatiable desire to kill.

He would have succeeded that day if those stupid orderlies hadn't come in and interrupted him beating his doctor to death. He doesn't know how Seokjin is doing, and the unknown is making him increasingly more restless and irrational. The staff at the mental hospital recognizes this, and they have him constantly cuffed and in a straitjacket, because they never know when he could snap.

Dr. Lee has to constantly remind himself that he's doing what's best for his entire staff, but it's really hard, especially when he looks through Namjoon's window and sees him sitting completely still and looking down at his lap. He looks so despondent.

(It's a good thing he has no idea what Namjoon is really thinking about.)

In fact, Namjoon spends his days thinking about different ways to escape and kill the people who are keeping him away from Seokjin.

Seokjin is HIS, he BELONGS to him, and no one can keep him away. Absolutely no one.

One day, a little over two weeks after Seokjin had been carried away on a stretcher, he's out of his straitjacket so he can take a shower. The nurse watches him glances away to look at a chart a doctor is showing her, and that's all the time Namjoon needs. He rips the shower head off of the wall and swiftly kills the nurse with one blow to the head before she can even blink. He kills the doctor too, and he puts his clothes back on before heading out of the shower area and down the hallway, his makeshift weapon clutched in both hands as he kills anyone who might get in his way.

Dr. Lee, Dr. Zhang, and a few of the other higher-ups along with some of the nurses are in a meeting and don't know what's going on until Dr. Song comes in and tells them everything, locking himself in the office with them. They have no idea of the extent of what's going on outside, but Dr. Lee immediately calls the police.

Strong orderlies try to contain Namjoon, but they underestimate his strength and end up severely injured or killed. He demands Seokjin's information from one of the nurses, only giving the poor woman thirty seconds to get it for him, and she barely makes it. He decides to spare her for that, but he breaks her leg so she can't go after him, ignoring her cries of pain.

He stuffs the piece of paper with Seokjin's address on it in his pocket, and he continues killing the staff members without batting an eyelid. His focus is Seokjin, and he will do whatever it takes and kill absolutely everyone in his path in order to get to his Seokjin.

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