"Good morning, sir," Wedge greeted.

"Greetings, Wedge and Sabine," old man Obi-Wan said, nodding to both us.

"Hi," I replied then sat next to Ketsu, who was jamming out to her music. No wonder she didn't know what was going on. This girl is going to blow out her ears some day with how high she puts the volume on.

Ketsu then looked over at me and took one of her ear buds out.

"How long have you been sitting here for?" She asked, confused when looking at her watch.

"I kinda just got here," I said, awkwardly scratching the back of my head. Ketsu gave me her famous 'really' look then laughed.

"Again?" She bellowed.

"Again," I confirmed, embarrassingly.

She calmed down when the bus approached the school. We gathered our things and made a hasty break towards the school.

"So," Ketsu started, while rummaging through her locker.

"When are you going to meet the guy your mom's been dating?"

I paused and thought over the question. My mom told me to be patient and will take me out sometime to meet with him. It made me anxious with the very thought of who or what this guy could be like.

"I don't know but as long as he isn't like my dad or some psychotic murderer, then he's fine in my book," I answered, with a smile. Still, the butterflies in my stomach fluttered wildly with nerves that couldn't settle.

Ketsu returned the smile and shut her locker. I grabbed my books and shut my locker. We both made a bee line for our first class of the day. As we entered, the books in my arms spilled onto the floor after being shoved. Books, paper, pencils, and pens scattered all over.

I knelt down and started to gather my things from the floor. Ketsu helped pick up and carry some of it over to my desk. I gave her a smile of gratitude before turning my head a little to see the person that caused the mess.

Ezra was leaning against the wall near the door with a gigantic sly grin engraved on his face. I glared at him a little and took my seat. I began to organize my things back into there rightful spots as the teacher walked in.

The whole class room went utterly silent and didn't dare to breath. I wasn't paying any attention when a figure stood in front of my desk. I finally knew the presence was there when their shadow encased me under their watchful stare.

I gulped a little before slowly raising my head to see Miss Seven coldly looking down at me. I put my papers aside and asked, "Yes ma'am?"

Miss Seven didn't reply at first but picked up one of my worksheets we did for homework.

"Miss Wren?" She began, "May I ask why there is a small doodle of a bird on your paper?"

She turned the paper around and pointed at my small sketch of a Phoenix that was in the corner of the page.

"Uh," I didn't know what to say since she did not take excuses so easily. Even the truth of the matter would put me in detention for a week. I don't need my mom to know that I've been getting detentions for stupid reasons or she will take my art supplies away.

"Miss Wren, this is not an arts and crafts class. This is a Geometry class," she said sternly then tore the paper up. She put her hands on her hips and eyebrows knitted together.

"You will do the assignment over and over until you show all the correct work and answers. No doodles of parrots or making silly things or there will be consequences. Are we clear?" She angrily, huffed.

"Yes ma'am," I answered quietly, looking down at the desk.

"Look at me when you answer," she commanded.

I met with her hollow eyes.

"Now try it, again. Are. We. Clear?" She asked, again. For a moment, I pictured her as a cat hissing her words.

"Y-Yes ma'am," I stuttered, wishing for her to to turn and walk away. She was so close that I could feel her breathing in my face. What an uncomfortable situation, especially when the whole class was watching.

It took another minute until she pulled away and gave me a new page of homework. I scanned the sheet and noticed something. We never learned any of it. Is this even high school math?

I looked up a little confused. She just looked at me before turning to start the lesson. I didn't know that I was holding my breath until sighing in relief. This was going to be a long day.


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