2-Making this home

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Chapter start

Error woke at early dawn.

The new morning light had begun shining through the small openings in the 'roof' in streams. The destroyer sat up, curling his tail underneath him, and let out a loud yaw. His pinpricks shifted to the boys still cuddling beside him. Both still fast asleep.

Checking them over to make sure they're ok he saw nothing was wrong or worrying he turned and examined the cavern he had chosen. Now that light had flooded in, the luminous shroom like corals were no longer shining brightly. Instead they gave off a muddy colored gray that left a dreary glow around them. Error scowled in slight disgust, he'll need to spruce this place up; make it more attractive and colorful for the boys. He couldn't allow them to live in such a drab place. His boys deserved only the best after all.

The boys also needed.

Errors eyes suddenly widened in realization. They needed important things, like food. They hadn't eaten since they were in that other universe. And honestly it was only a small portion of food. Error himself didn't need food. He live through years of starvation and hunger pains like it was nothing. His body was practically built for it now. But Null and Void aren't. They both need food to survive.

But what are they going to eat?

Error couldn't help but panic a bit at that thought. With out access of magic, he couldn't simply steal food- and even if he could open portals what good would that do? This multiverse was more primal; relying on instincts and raw materials. It wasn't like there was a Grillbys he could pop into. The only solution to this problem he found himself in, was to hunt- like the Fell Sans was doing yesterday. Raw meat shouldn't be good for them, but at the same time they were completely different species now. Their bodies are most likely made for it, but he couldn't just make assumptions.

Sighing heavily, he leaned towards the boy's. He reached a hand to Null and gently nudged his cheek with his nuckle. His son twitched a bit with a small groan yet didn't stir. "Null. Wake up." Error cooed softly, nudging him again. This time Nulls eyes flutter open. He lifted his head and glanced around in confusion before looking up at Error. "Daddy?" He breathed out in worry. Error gently strokes his skull to soothe him. "Null, I'm going to leave the cavern for a while." He started. Nulls eyes grew wide with slight fear but Error quickly reinsured him. "I'm not going far, just outside to find some breakfast. If you need me, just yell. I will hear you." Null nodded, knowing to trust his dads judgment.

Error turned and slipped off the make shift bed before swimming towards the entrance. He glanced back to see Null shifting to get comfortable again. "I'll be right back, don't leave the cave." He call to his oldest softly. Null nodded again before yawning and curling around Void. With a small smile and a wave of his tail, Error was out of the cave and into the open reef. The morning sun shining from behind warmed his bones.

Hovering above the entrance for a moment he swerved his head around, trying to decide which way to go. He could see a small clearing full of different shimmering fish near his left. Waving his tail, he casually glided over. He took it slow, trying to scope out the best fish to catch instead of rushing in.

Error could remember, a long, long time ago, he read a book about marine life. It was back when he actually had time to sit back and read a entire book. But for the life off him he could not remember what it said about what was edible and what was toxic. A nagging feeling tugged at him. The image of him bringing something toxic to the boys and having them eat it, was the most terrifying thought. He pushed those doubts to the back of his mind. If he did catch something like that, his magic wound react to it negatively, insuring the safety of the boys.

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