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17th of January 1958

John still has been distant, going to different schools gave us less to talk about, the last time we had a really good time was his crazy birthday party we threw for him.

He sort of stopped updating me what he's been doing, and forgotten to invite me to things (like the News Years Eve party). But Paul would let me know whats going on and invite me to hang with the lads, Paul became the person I trusted a lot more ever since we spent Christmas together last month.

I decided today I'm finally going to tell John how I really feel.

I went to the local Cavern where John usually goes, and I noticed Paul and Stuart at a table.

"Wheres John?" I walked up to them

"Oh he should be here any minute now. Take a seat." Paul pulled out a seat for me.

"Thanks." I sat down and shrugged my coat off.

"You look a little done up. Who's the lucky guy?" Stu asked, he's such a laidback lad I really enjoy whenever he's around.

"No one." I snorted.

"It's for John, obviously." Paul blurted.

"It is not, I'm just doing this for myself." I shrugged.

"Speaking of the devil here he is." Stu pointed.

I turned my head in the direction he pointed and there was John, searching through a crowd looking for us.

Paul waved him over, gaining Johns attention.

John perked up and walked over, but there was some brunette girl beside him.

"What took you so bloody long?" Paul asked.

Paul and Stu kept talking to John. But I'm wondering why none of them asked about the bloody girl standing right next to him!

"Who's this?" I blurted, interrupting their irrlevant chatter.

"Uh Cher this my girlfriend Cynthia." John said as if I was supposed to know already.

I darted my eyes to Paul.

Paul just turned his head away.

"Well friends with benefits is certainly off the table isn't it?" I asked.

Cynthia looked at John.

John didn't say a word

"...Right of course. Well theres no use in standing around all day, take a seat." I gestured.

Stuart cleared his throat.

John and her sat right down next to eachother.

The lads were talking and Cynthia will say a word or two, but I haven't said a word at all.

John kept looking in my direction every now or then.

"Look at you, looking so much like Bardot right now." John stated.

I gave a fake smile.
"It's nothing really."

Cynthia seemed to be bothered alot by John's comment, I can understand, it seems as if that's all he thinks about.

Stuart didn't say a word, instead just watched the tension between us rise.

"If you lads don't mind, I think it's about time to head off." I said as I put my jacket on.

"Leaving already?" John asked.

"Yeah." I glared at him.

I left the Cavern putting on my jacket and felt the cool breeze hit me.

I knew deep inside I was jealous, which is a very hard thing to admit.

Quick footsteps behind me became audible, and I was relieved to find out it was Stu.

"Slow down a bit yeah?" Stu asked.

I slowed down.
"What is it?" I asked, as we both walked at a calmer place.

"I know you're a bit upset for Paul not telling you about her, but in fairness Paul didn't think their realtionship would last, he thought she was just another one of those birds."

"I'm not mad at Paul. I'm mad at myself. I should've told him how I've felt before." I sighed.

"You know John is just one guy out of millions of them."

I huffed.
"I know, I know, I'm just jealous."


"Yeah, have you seen her?"

"It's all in your head."

"Why is John interested in her? They don't act anything like eachother. I mean she's the type girl he hates." I ranted.

"Who knows what's going on in that brain of his, everyday he changes his mind."

"That's true he is a moody arsehole sometimes."

"Now that's an understatement."

"Ah look at you. Going against your best mate Suttcliffe?" I teased.

"Don't even start." Stu chuckled.


if your wondering about Cynthia's brown hair
she didn't dye it blonde yet, but soon i'll make sure to write in her iconic blonde hair. 💖

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