Cher with an C

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It was a boring Saturday evening in my house, it was already a mess from my mum and her 'friends' she had over from last night.

Beer bottles all scattered around, food and plastic plates all around.
There was still a guy passed out on our kitchen table.

I was getting pretty tired of this.
This happens almost every Friday, and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday- just everyday of the damn week.

I was still seated on the sofa, watching TV while every now and then I will glance over to the kitchen to hear 'the passed out guy' snore loudly.

It was time for him to leave.
I grabbed a nearby broom and poked him with the end of it from afar.

He wouldn't budge.
I tried again and finally he jolted his head up startled.

This boy looked young about my age, maybe younger.
What is he doing hanging around my mum?
"Who are you?" I was pretty interested, he wasn't bad looking either, his cheeks were a little big.

"I'm Paul - uh- who are you?" He asked drowsily.

"I should be asking the questions, I mean it's my house." I remarked as I put the broom down beside me.

"It's your house? I never seen you around." He said as he sat up.

"That's because you were hanging with me mum." I said as I crossed my arms.

"That's your mum, I didn't know...One of the lads told me that there was a party here that had beer and the lady—which is your mum didn't care who came." He explained.

"Yeah that's her alright. Now get out your smelling up the place." I said as I pointed to the door.

"As if it doesn't already smells." He remarked with a snicker.

"Get out before I kick your balls in!" I yelled.
Which made him run quickly to the door and leave.
I sighed as I sat down.

My mum came home, and of course as usual she always has something to complain about.

"You didn't clean up?" She asked as she looked around at the mess she had made.

"I'll clean up after you stop being a whore." I mumbled, but she happened to hear it.
"You don't make it easier don't you?" She said as she threw her bags to the ground.

I basically been a mom to myself for years, she only comes home to throw parties for her loser friends. She acts like a child, not a parent.

I heard a knock on the door, and I quickly went to get it.
I opened the door and It was just the person I wanted to see.

"heya lover." John teased.

"Shut up." I said as I somewhat smiled.

"Looking good Mrs. Baker!" John yelled out to my mom in the background.

"Oh John! Always the charmer." She said as she walked off to the back.

I closed the door behind me and stepped closer to him on the porch.

"What the fuck was that?" I said as I lightly shoved him.

"Jus' being polite thas' all!" He said as he laughed.

"My mum doesn't understand 'polite' all she understands is spreading her legs! You don't want a disease do ya?" I ranted only causing John to laugh harder.

"For fucks sake Cher that's your mum you're talking about!" John chuckled.

"She's not my mum. And why do you call me "Sher" it reminds me of my full name. Just call me Cherry." I said as I stomped off my porch and onto the sidewalk.
John followed and caught up to me.

"I like it, and by the way it's "Cher" with an 'C'."

Me and John both walked and talked our way to his house.
We walked up to his front porch.
"Are you sure Mimi isn't home?" I asked once more.

"I told you she'll be home by 7." John said as he opened the front door.
He held it open and close the door behind himself.

I already made it up to his room, and sat on his bed.
I always liked his room it was small and cozy.
John made it up behind me.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked.
"A lot of things." John said in a suggestive way.

"Shut it, I'm not gonna have sex with you." I said as I threw my pillow at him.

"Who said anything about sex??" John said as he caught it and goofed around.

"Well I'm bored as shit." I sighed and laid down on his bed.
It smelled of his cheap cologne that I had grown to like.

"Mimi's got some liquor in her cabinets."

I sat up quickly to see Johns devious little smirk.

"I say it's on."


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