ending things

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"Hey essence I'm going to moms house ill be back soon "

"You're finally going to her house after a year, that's a big step"

"I know,  it's time I face her and end this once and for all. "

"Hey, you never told me why you stopped going there and I've been patience. But one day I want to know why and ill be there for you I have your back. "

"I will when the time is right I promise. "

"You better, don't come back to late we got to get ready for STEPS "

"How could I forget you've been talking about it all day and yesterday. "

I heard a faint "whatever"  I was off to my "mo-... I was off to my childhood home.


I'm here, after 1 year I'm back to the place I secretly called hell. To others  me and my mother was goals they envy us but behind closed doors ruined me and that's why when I turned 18 I left not looking back, and I mean soon when the clock hit 12 I walked right out the door to my house I had been collecting on and have bought a couple days before.

The White and blue house with a white fence around it had can into view as I opened my car door. I tried to forget the memories but they came back anyway.

I knocked on the door  and heard her sweet but fake voice, if you were anyone else you would have thought she was excited to see who was behind the door but I can see right past her.

When she opened the door she was shocked to see me nevertheless she tried to mask it but again I see right past her, I see the devil that lies right in front of me

"Tazia? "

I cringe at the name I haven't been called that in a year, And that's not gonna change anytime soon.

"It's zia now and yea it's me".

"What are you doing back here? Done putting this family name to shame with the sins you have done? "

See my mother only shows her true colors to me, my older sister and my older brother, and to answer your question  I have no idea where they are when they hit 18 they were gone too. I know shame.

"I came for myself, to let go everything you did to me and my siblings go. "

"I haven't done anything but gave Y'all a roof over your head, food, clothes, and love"

"LOVE? You beated us until we passed out for little and stupid things. "

"Its called discipline, tazia you haven't changed one bit you're still brainless"

"Deny it all you want, your lucky I didn't go to the police and tell them what you let your boyfriend do to us. You both are sick and deserve to go to hell
I came to tell you I don't forgive you and I won't forget. Just know you will never see me again and you will never see your future grandkids,  I mean never and karma will catch up with you, and when it does i'll be waiting to  tell you it was worth the fight"

"You really think a man will want you with that scar, your weak and pathetic I won't be surprised if you killed yourself from lack of love. You got everything you asked for and as for seeing them future grandkids ill do exactly what I did to you if I ever get the chance."

"I'm trying my hardest not to bash your head in. I'm just gonna go and continue my life I hope you burn in hell mother"

"Oh same to you tazia, oh and happy birthday it reminds me how they said I couldn't abort you because I was too far alone. I guess you were one lucky bi- "

I blocked out everything else she was saying it might not look like it but I'm ready to let go and move on and live a little.

Life has already turned around.

If you have any offense to this chapter I wanna address that I'm sorry, the character has lack of love in my view from a touch past I wanted you guys to see a side of zia so you can understand why she acts how she acts further down the road

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