Chapter 3

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„Let's eat breakfast. I will cook." Hoseok looked at us with an enquiering expression. „I guess I skip this one." I waved at them and went towards the studio Jimin right behind me.

„Don't you want to eat?" I questioned him as we stood infront of the studio door. „You know that I am on diet."With curiousity in his eyes he glared at me as I turned around.

„What are you planing to do?" His eyes wandered away from my face to the door. Actually I wanted to think a bit for myself and working on Chyper but if he joins me I guess I will have to do the thinking part later.

„I'm just pissed that we're not making progress." Glady Jimin seemed to know that I was talking about Cypher. Why was this song so challenging? Usually I had no problems with writing new songs so why this time?

Maybe because I am working with someone else? Indeed it was a weird feeling. But I was excited about getting to know this new process. Just like I have to get used to the fact that I am in love.

Y/N was there for me, stayed by my side and was my very first best friend. Of course I had friends before but I never trusted them also this was in kindergarden. Trust was a important thing if you want a relationship to a person that is special to you.

Does this mean that there was no hope for Y/N and me, now that I broke my promise. Or was I just overthinking again? „Hyung you are worried again. I can tell from your expression." Jimin's calming voice ripped me out of my thoughts.

His smile caused my to smile as well. Jimin seemed to be happy all the time, like he had nothing to worry about. Everyone likes him how he spreaded love and cheered us up.

Sometimes I was jealous at him for being this gifted in life. Actually I'm jealous at everyone out of Bangtan. But this was something I would never admit infront of them.If I would be popular like them maybe Y/N would be mine already?

No don't think like this Yoongi. Y/N and you are friends so she likes you just the way you are. She was not one of those girls. Don't you dare to think else way or everything will went wrong again. „Do you want something in paticular?" I asked Jimin to distract myself.

„I just don't want to spend time alone while the others are eating."Shrugging his shoulder he faced me again."You wanna help me with my songs?" I offered him.

„I'm not good at this. How about we go out?" Actually I didn't want to move but I felt mean to reject his suggestion. Another thing I adored about him. You can't decline anything he wants.

„Fine. Let's go then." I ruffled my hairs before vanishing into my room to change my comfortable chlothes in something more fashionable. Everyone was juddging you in Korea so you have to keep your image clean.

„We can go." Jimin smiled at me as we left the dorm. To breath fresh air was a great feeling. But the mask was annoying me. Was this worth it for being an idol, to wear a mask to walk outside?

For a while Jimin and I where just walking next to each other, not saying a single word. Which allowed me to drift off into my world of thoughts. How could I confess to Y/N that I like her?

Usually I wasn't the romantic type of person but this time I wanted to do something special. Even tho I wasn't sure  if I'm truely in love or not. Maybe I'm just thinking that I'm in love since she was nice to me.

„Jimin have you ever been in love?" The question came out of my mouth without thinking. His surpriesed look made me realize what I just asked. „Hyung why are you asking?"

Should I tell him that I like Y/N? „I was only wondering if you had been or not. From all the members I know the less about you. You don't have to answer if it's to personal."

In the inside I was hoping that he would answer me. He could help me. But on the other hand it was weird to ask things like this out of the blue. „Well I was or better I am."

„Really?" Confused I glared at him. I haven't expected him to answer me. „Who is it?" Blusing Jimin started at the ground. „A childhood crush nothing special." Jimin sure was innocet even tho he was one of the most perverted persons I know.

But now I can finally ask everything I wanted to now. „How is it to be in love?" Maybe a bit to obvious. „Everyone is in love but I think it just causes trouble and broken hearts so I was wondering what is so good about it."

„It isn't." Jimin responded bitterly. This wasn't the answer I was looking for. I should had google it. But first I had to be a good friend. „What's wrong?" He waited a bit before responding to my question.

„Love is a complicated thing. When two peole love each other it's an amazing feeling. Everything seem to be good like nothing bad could ever happen. But if only one person is in love the pain of seeing this person getting close with others is killing you inside."

He whispered those sentences quietly. Their where soaked with pain and old memories. Jimin had definitely talked about him and his crush. A bit afraid that this might be the case with me and Y/N I was a bit careful about my next question.

„I don't want to open wounds again but do you want her to be by your side?" Dumb Yoongi of course he wants her to be with him. Somewhere I read that people who are in love are constantly thinking about the person and want them to be as close as possible.

„Forget this one. I'm dumb." A bit gladeful that Jimin didn't had to answer this one he smiled at me. It was a akwardly forced smile. How could I cheer him up? Maybe I should tell him solmething about my past?

„You know there was this one girl in school. She liked me a little so we made up and somehow we ended together. But the fact that I couldn't love her brought us apart. Be greatful that you have the ability to love. If you keep it I'm sure the girl will fall for you in seconds."

Comforting I wraped an arm around his shoulder. With a lillte grin on my lips I tried to make him look up again. Which was working better than expected. „Are you in love Hyung?"

Boom. There was the question I din't wanted to answer. „I guess not." Good one don't let him know that you are struggling. „You aren't sure right?" Was this another of Jimin's abilities or was he just trying to fool me?

„What are you talking about?" All he did was nodding slowly. „We should return Mr. Bang will come soon." Right we have to practice. We turned around and headed back to the dorm.

The way back was almost as quiet as when we started to walk. „ There you are Mr. Bang came earlier and was furious that the two of you weren't here." Namjoon pushed Jimin and me into our rooms.

„Make yourselfs ready for practice. We are waiting for you there." He said before leaving me and Jimin behind. Walking over to my closet I was thinking about what Jimin and I had talked about.

Love was a good but painful process. This can't be the final conclusion. This isn't how I can win Y/N's heart. Wait wasn't her birthday some days ago. The flat was basiclly her birthday present from us.

How about I gave her my very own one? Only for her. Something that nobody else has. I pulled my shirt over my head. That was the moment when I knew exactly what I should give to her.

I better tell the others to make somehting for her birthday than I'm less akward. Happily I went out of my room where Jimin was already waiting for me. Of course I told him my idea.

„That's a nice idea. It would be something like a birthdy party and a welcome to your new flat at once. Let's tell the others. This weekend is our next day off." This was perfect I just needed to tell Y/N that we wanted to spend time with her.

Everythig was prepared. Now I just have to hope that Y/N will agree and my feelings won't be hidden any longer. Nervously I left after Jimin the dorm. Will I manage to focus on practice today?

First love//{sequel} Yoongi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now