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Tionne's POV

All three of us just sat there looking at the test. Of course we waited for Usher to leave before she took it.


Me: What are you gonna do?

Ro: I don't know.

Lisa: You gotta tell both of them and you have to find out who it's for.

Ro: It's obviously for Dallas. I know Usher's gonna be disappointed.

Me: I don't know what to tell you. He might not take it that bad.

Ro: I guess.

The phone started ringing, interrupting our conversation, so I went to answer it.

Me: Hello?

Marques: Heyy.

Me: Nigga what you want?

Marques: I don't want nothin.

Todd: Hey, Lisa there?

Me: Yea she here, but she ain't boutta talk to you.

Yeah, me and Ro gave them our number a while back. Worst decision ever.

Todd: Why not?

Me: If she wanted to talk to you, she woulda called.

Todd: You're funny TBone. But give Lisa the phone.

Me: Look nigga. Just like I told my brother, don't call this number again looking for Lisa anymore. If I find out you tried anything on her I will personally come to your house and cut your- *gco

Lisa: Who are you threatening now?

Me: Todd.

She laughed and took the phone from me and hung it up.

Lisa: You don't gotta worry about him.

No matter how many times she told me that, I didn't believe her. I just had a weird feeling about him.
Rozonda's POV

(Few weeks later)

I finally managed to get the courage to tell Usher about me being pregnant. I invited him over and we sat down.

Me: Usher, there's something I been wanting to tell you..

Usher: Oh lord. What is it?

I started twiddling my fingers.

Me: I'm pregnant.

Usher: You are?!

He yelled. He wasn't yelling through anger though, he was yelling through excitement. I was so glad he wasn't angry, but I'm sure what I had to say next would take away that happiness.

Me: There's something else...

Usher: What?

He was so happy, it made me sad to say this.

Me: The baby.. it's actually... It's actually for Dallas.

His smile disappeared.

Usher: So it isn't mine.

Then he started thinking.

Usher: Wait. You cheated on me?!

Me: No. We hooked up before I was even with you.

He started thinking again.

To Be Continued...

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