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Tionne's POV


When I woke up in the morning, I heard voices in the living room. I figured out it was Dallas and Ro, then I felt Lisa stir next to me. I looked at her and her big brown eyes were looking at me, then she smiled. I stroked her cheek then got up to go take a shower and stuff. After that, I went in the front to sit down.

Dallas: Ohh wassup Scruffy.

I was in too good a mood to even entertain Dallas, so I ignored him.

Ro: You up pretty late for your standards, what you been up to last night?

I looked at the clock and it was 4 in the afternoon.

Me: I was awake, I just didn't feel like getting up.

Dallas: Oh so you were just eavesdropping on us.

Now I was annoyed.

Me: Nigga no one was listening to you. Why are you even here? Ro was by you last night.

Dallas: I thought I'd come visit my lil homies.

Me: Whateva.

Lisa came in the front wearing my sweatpants and a tank top, and sat next to me. We always shared clothes in our dorm, so no one was sweating it. But I knew the real reason she was wearing them, and I chuckled to myself.

Dallas: Wassup Lisa.

Lisa dapped him off.

Lisa: Dallas.

Ro: Lisa, what happened to your neck?

Lisa: Huh?

Dallas: Damnn. What you been gettin into Lisa?

Then I looked at her neck and there was a big hickie. My eyes widened, then I pretended like I didn't see it. Oops. Ro looked at her funny, then she looked at me and back at Lisa. Shit, she figured it out. Why does Ro always have to figure everything out?

Ro: Okay Dallas, I'll call you later, you should go.

Dallas: What?

Then she gave him a look.

Dallas: Okay okay fine. Bye Lisa, bye Scruffy.

He said. I fake smiled at him and he walked out the door. As soon as the door closed, Ro looked at us.

Ro: What is this?

Me: I don't know, you tell me.

I wanted to see what she knew.

Ro: Did you two do what I think you did?

Lisa: Maybe..

She said innocently. Then it was quiet. It really kinda awkward to be honest.

Ro: Well... I don't know what to say... What was it like?

Lisa: It was okay I guess.

Wait a minute. Rewind. She did not just say that.

Tee: Did you just say it was okay, because them noises you were making say otherwise.

I said to mess with her. She looked at me with her mouth open and Ro covered her mouth.

Lisa: Oh my gosh, I hate you.

She said, scooting away from me with her arms crossed. She's so cute when she's mad. I scooted back by her.

Me: I'm sorry LiLi.

Lisa: Don't talk to me.

Me: But I love youuu.

I said playfully, wrapping my arms around her and trying to kiss her. She turned her head away, but when she didn't see me move, she rolled her eyes and kissed me.

Lisa: You get on my nerves.

Ro: Y'all are gross.

She said, pretending to stick her finger down her throat. I rolled my eyes.

Me: You and Dallas are gross.

Ro: Touché. So does this mean y'all are a thing now?

Me: I don't know.

I looked at Lisa.

Me: Are we?

She looked at me and smiled.

Lisa: I guess so.


Rozonda's POV


It was weird having Lisa and Tee together the past month, but eventually I got used to it. Tee's brother Kayo was supposed to be coming to hang with us for his birthday week, so we were looking forward to that. We were sitting around when he knocked on the door, and I let him in.

Kayo: Sup Ro.

Me: Hey Kayo.

I said, hugging him.

Kayo: Where is that crazy ass sister of mine?

Tee: Nigga who you callin crazy?

She said walking out of their room along with Lisa.

Kayo: You. Watchu gon do?

Tee: Boy sit your old broke down Dr.Seuss ass down somewhere.

She said, giving him a hug. He looked behind her at Lisa.

Kayo: Hey, ain't you gonna introduce me to you friend?

Tee: You got a voice, introduce yourself.

She said, going to the fridge. He mocked her behind her back.

Kayo: Wassup. I'm Kayo, Tee's brother.

He said, shaking Lisa's hand.

Lisa: I'm Lisa.

Kayo: Alright Lisa. You smell good. What is that?

Me: I'd stop if I were you.

I told Kayo on the dl before Tee walked over to them.

Tee: That would be my perfume. Thank you.

Lisa started blushing and came sat by me.

Me: Two crazies.

Tee came sat down.

Tee: He the crazy one.

Kayo: Yeah, okay Tenessee.

Tee: Don't play with me Kayo.

They were arguing and I just started talking to Lisa.

Me: This is gonna be all week.

Lisa: This should be interesting. This happened before?

Me: Yeah. Last year he stayed the week and it was crazy.

Kayo: I'm done talking to you. Lisa where you from?

Lisa: Philly.

Kayo: Oh okay.

He said looking her up and down again. Guess he didn't wanna take my tip.

Kayo: You kinda cute.

Ooh I knew Tee was gonna get him for that. She stopped saying whatever she was about to say and looked at him crazy.

Tee: Nigga don't be hitting on my girlfriend! Let me catch you doing it again.

Kayo: What? Y'all together?

Lisa nodded.

Kayo: How was I supposed to know?

Tee rolled her eyes.

Tee: Now you know. You don't mess with her or you'll have me to deal with.

Lisa was blushing again.

Lisa: Tee calm down, you don't gotta do that.

She said, rubbing Tee's shoulder. This was definitely gonna be a long week. If Kayo knew better, he wouldn't chase that waterfall. I've seen Tee mad and I'd rather not see what happens to him if he pisses her off.

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