"Pixie dust?" They echoed

"Yeah! So I can fly!"

"I thought that came from fairies," said Yume

"What? No," said Aria "If it did she would have sucked me dry by now,"

"It's true," Hinaki added

"O ... kay," said Kanata "Anyway, we were just going to Skull Rock and -"

"Skull Rock? Isn't that funny, we were also going to Skull Rock!" said Hinaki "We'll join you,"

"Oh fun!" said Subaru "We don't mind the extra company, do we guys?"

"No," said Yume

"Yes," said Kanata

"That's an A-ok if I ever heard one!" said Hinaki "Let's go!"

"Yay!" Aria cheered

"Let's go!" said Yume

"Right behind you Tomato!" said Subaru

"That's not my name,"

"Oh brother," Kanata huffed


"We're so close to Skull Rock, I can taste it," said Subaru

"Bleh, me too," said Aria "It tastes like salt water,"

"Well we are right next to the ... water," said Yume "That's funny,"

"I laughed on the inside," said Kanata

"No, I think there's some kind of large colorful fish in there," said Yume "I saw in the water,"

"Ooh! Does it have my precious?" Hinaki asked

"It's probably nothing," said Kanata "Let's just keep going,"



"There it is!" said Aria "Skull Rock,"

"Wow! It's shaped like a skull!" said Subaru

"Who could have guessed?" said Kanata

"But, um ... how do we get there?" Yume asked "It's all the way across the water,"

"I'd fly, but I ran out of my precious," said Hinaki "So we'll need a boat,"

"Then let's start looking," said Kanata

"For my precious?"

"No! For a boat! People leave those lying around all the time! Start looking!"

The five of them split up and started looking for a boat.

Yume looked around at the beach as she searched for a boat. It was so much brighter then the beaches she went to. The sand looked like it was made out of gold, and the shells seemed to be parts of rainbows. And the sea was so blue, like the sky ... with a little bit of gold. Gold? And red too. There was something in the water.

Yume walked over to the seas, the water was cold, she loved it.

So slowly and calmly, Yume walked over to the strange thing in the water. Then suddenly whatever it was stuck her head out of the water.

"Ah!" Yume cried before falling into the water. Luckily the water was only one foot deep.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you,"

"It's ... It's alright," Yume replied "Are you a ... mermaid?"

"Yes," she answered "I'm Ako, Princess of the mermaids, and soon to be queen!"

"Congratulations ... um ... have you seen a boat?" Yume asked

"I live in the water, I see many boats everyday," Ako replied

"Well have you seen a boat that can take us to Skull Rock?"

"Um ... well there is that ship over there," Ako pointed to the distance. Yume squinted her eyes then gasped a little. There was a ship. A huge ship, hidden by the jungle darkness. "I could swim over and ask the captain if they can give you a ride,"

"That would be great Ako, thanks!" said Yume

"Anything for a friend of Kanata's," she replied

"Kanata? Wait you know -"

But before Yume could finish her question, Ako dove under the waters and swam over to the ship.

"Hey! Tomato!" called Subaru "Stop playing in the water and help us look for the boat!"

"First off my name is not Tomato!" said Yume "Second, I just met a mermaid who can help us,"

"Mermaid?" They all said

"Yeah, she said she was a friend of yours, Sir Kanata, and she's going to talk with the captain of a ship about getting us to Skull Rock,"

"A ship?" Hinaki echoed "Oh ... no. No, no, no, we gotta go,"

"Why?" Subaru asked

"The only people who own ships are pirates!" said Aria "And pirates and us don't mix!"

"Well here they come anyway," said Subaru "And look! They have a skull of their sail, they must be cool,"

As the ship sailed over, getting closer and closer by the second, Yume could see a girl with a captains hat and pirate clothes standing on the mast. She had a sword and compass on her belt and a deadly look in her eye.

"Maybe we should go," said Yume

"Well -" Started Kanata, but was cut off as an anchor splashed into the water and five men with swords came down onto the beach.

"Let's go!" cried Aria

"Right with you!" said the hatter

The all started running but then two woman blocked their path. "Not. So. Fast," said the girl in the hat and clothes as she swung down. "You're not going anywhere except for the plank,"

"You're kidnapping us?!?!" Subaru cried

"No, I'm sure they're inviting us for tea," Kanata said sarcastically

"Top hats right," said the pirate girl "You're all coming with me,"

"Ugh, not again," Yume muttered

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