Chapter Seventy-Three

Start from the beginning

I frown for a few seconds, trying to think about that morning. I slowly start, “Eli was at his parent's house for Christmas dinner...”

“You didn't go?”

I see and feel Ash tense next to me and he quickly jumps in, “That's not relevant, Jones.”

“It might be. Could you answer the question please, Miss Romanov?”

I remember Eli telling me that if I pretend I'm not scared, then people won't see me as a push over. I try to be brave, so I sigh, “I don't like Christmas, so I didn't want to go.”

“Ok. Carry on.”

“Eli got home about 1am. We went to bed almost straight away...”

Jones pipes in again, “As in, you went to sleep straight away? Nothing else happened between you guys?”

I'm so shocked and disgusted by this question, that I can't actually say or do anything. I shut my eyes tight wishing this was all over. I don't want to do this anymore. It would have been easier if I'd died. I don't want to do this. I start panicking and I recite the periodic table in as many languages as I can. In the background, I can hear someone ask, “What is she doing?”

Ash's voice is slightly louder, because he's right next to me. “You scared her. Don't you know what she's been through? You got the doctor's report, so you should know she'd be scared. That was way over the line, man. Don't be such a jerk. You'll be lucky if I can calm her down enough for you to talk to her...”

As I'm starting my mantra from the beginning, I manage to hear Ash say, “Dani? Can you just listen to me for a second please? I need you to just stop and listen to me...”

I lower my voice, but I keep muttering under my breath. I can't stop myself from rambling.

“Good girl. These guys were out of line, and they know that now. They're going to behave themselves, but I need you to calm down and answer their questions. They'll go right after that, but if you don't speak to them now, they're just going to come back. You want to get this out of the way, don't you?”

I manage a nod, so he continues. “I'm right here and I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. You don't have to answer that question; Jones was being a jerk and he's sorry for that. He's going to behave himself, aren't you Jones?”

I hear Jones mutter, “Yes sir.”

“See, doll? He'll be good now. Can you calm down for me, please?”

I whisper, “Where's Eli?”

“He's at work. He's stopping by after his shift has finished.”

Tears fill my eyes, I just want Eli. I need Eli with me right now. As a tear slides down my cheek, I manage to croak out, “I want Eli. Please...?”

Ash looks torn and sad as he replies, “I'm sorry, darlin'. He's not allowed to sit in on the interview. It's a conflict of interests. You want to talk to him on the phone though? I can call him. I'm sure these two won't have any objections to that, right guys?”

He raises an eyebrow at them, but it's more like a challenge. Like he's daring them to argue.

Baker quickly says, “No, we don't have a problem with that. Go ahead Miss Romanov.”

I whisper, “My arms, Ash...”

He looks confused at first and then he seems to realize what I mean because he whispers, “I can hold my cell to your ear or I can put it on speaker.”

I take a deep breath, “Speaker.”

His eyebrows shoot up, shocked that I'd allow the two detectives to hear what we're going to say, but he doesn't know what I know.

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