Chapter 25; Vernon Hills

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December 21 2023/ 7:15am

Liza's POV;
I was awoken by my alarm clock blaring into my ears . I looked in front of me and I didn't see David . I then sat up and turned the alarm off . I then noticed the bathroom lights on . I then got out of bed and put on the clothes I had picked out to wear . I then knocked in the bathroom door " Babe ?" I sat quietly " yes?" He said back " can I -" I spoke but I was cut off by him opening the bathroom door . The bright light hit my eyes . I covered my eyes with my hand then before I New it I couldn't see the light ." Sorry Liza "  He said as I opened my eyes . I then see that he's standing in front of me to block the light " it's okay , are you don't in the bathroom because I need to go in ?" I ask him " yeah I'm done . I'm going to get the kids " he says as he las a kiss on my forehead . I smile as he walks off and I walk into the bathroom to put some makeup on to my naked face .
After I was done I walk into it of our room , down the hall into Hanna's room . Their so was laying in her little bed . I then realized that see soon needed some type of big girl bed . She's almost two and I'm surprised her hasn't tried to climb out of her crib . I picked her up to smell her and she smelled clean and dry . I had guessed maybe David had already changed her . I then decide to keep her in her pjs so she can be comfy on the flight . I turn around and I see David walk in with Tommy in his arms . " Hey , lets go ahead and put them into the car" He says and I nod . We walk out to put the kid into their seats . David turns his Tesla on so they can get warm . As I buckled Hanna in David ran back inside and then he cane out with all of our bags stacked up in one of another . As he was putting them in I ran back inside to get my carry on and the kids carry one. I then got back into the car and soon we left for the airport .

David's POV ;
When we arrived we parked and got our bags out . When we walked in we got help with the bags and soon arrived to our gate . We were right on time so we boarded and got settled . Tommy had the window . Next to him was Liza with Hanna in her lap. Around 8:45 the flight took off into the air .

" time lapse "

Soon the flight landed at 2:50 . But since we are not in LA time now we landed at 11:50z. We got off and grabbed our bags . Then we headed to get our rental car . When we got it we went to check in our hotel room and get settled . " Mommy " Tommy says to Liza as she sat down on to the bed " yes Tommy ?" She asked . He then ran to her and stood by her feet " Im hungry and I'm ready to see Grandma and Papa " he says . " aww baby " she says as she hugs him . " Speaking oh which " I say as I get a text from my mom

"Y'all are here ! Yay come by for some lunch and to spend time with everyone . Ester is on her way and will be here in 20!"

I then read the message out to them. " okay let's go " Liza says as she grabs her little bag and we leave the hotel .

Liza's POV ;
We soon arrived at David's Childhood home . It still looked the same from last year . They had some colorful light hung up outside but they weren't on since it was day time . We walked up to the door and knocked . Soon I see David's mom in the door way
" oh my god I've missed y'all so much !" She says as we join in a group hug . She then invites us in and we make it way into the living room " oh my god Hanna Grace !" She says which makes Hanna smile . " You have so many teeth " " 6 in all but another one is coming in " David says . She then looked at Tommy " Bud! You look just like your momma " she say and I blushed and thanked her . " Sara ! Toby !, come down and see your brother and Liza " I then hear some movement upstairs and then I see both of them coming down the stairs . Sara who is now 17 . She had light brown hair and light brown eyes . Which made them look like a hazel-ish type of color . Then Toby who's hair was a little bit lighter then Sara's . He looked to be 5'5. " hey guys !" Sara says as she walks over to hug us . We stand up and hug her . Now me and her are the same height . Since David was 5'10 , Toby was only a little bit shorter then him . We all soon talked for a while about Sara graduating in May and about Toby being on the football and basketball team . Soon we heard and knock at the door and David's mom went to answer it . Their walked in Ester with a guy who looked to be a little older then her . But not buy a lot " Hey guys !" She said kinda high pitched . We all said hey . Ester was a little bit taller then me but shorter then Toby . " Guys this is my boyfriend Calvin , Calvin this is my family " he spoke but then I heard the door opened . It was the back door and I saw David's dad walk in .

David's POV ;
After that we all just hung out for a while . I talked to Esters boyfriend Calvin he's a pretty cool guy . " So Ester how's college ?" Liza asked as she put Hanna down to play with Tommy "
Good , since I went to college at 17 I only have one more year so I can become a teacher " she said before taking a sip of her coffee . From what I'd heard in LA . Ester and Calvin have been dating since they were 16 . They are going four years strong . They go
To the same college with some of their closes friends . But he goes to a police academy. And he will graduate soon .

Liza's POV ;
Soon all the guys went outside to talk and it was just us girls . Ester was talking about her and Calvin spending Christmas together . So he will drive over here Christmas morning just like us . Sara then told us about her boyfriend Sebastian. About how they plan to go with some of their friends to Hawaii as a vacation after they graduate . The way both Ester and Sara talked about the guys they are dating . It made me feel so happy for them . It mad me feel the way I use to feel when me and David started dating .
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