Chapter 5: News

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October 15 2023
Liza's POV ;
This morning I didn't wake up to no kids . I woke up in my complete own . I rolled over to see no David which was normal . I check the time on my phone and I see that it is 11:50am . I soon realize how late it is and I hop out of bed . I go down the hall to check Hanna's room . She wasn't in their , then I check Tommy's . And he wasn't their either . I go back into mine and scarfs room to grab my phone . I then see a text message from David . I open it and it says
" Me and the kids are going to run some errands we will be home soon "
Relief went over my body as I read it . No wonder why I got to sleep in . I then lay back in bed and go through social media . I liked some pictures that some close friends have uploaded and I even went on Snapchat . I texted the girls and all but nothing really big .

Soon I decided to get ready for the day . I took a fifteen minute shower and when I got out I walked over to mine and David's closest . I picked out a long sleeve blue jean button up shirt with some black pants . I then head to the bathroom and put on some makeup and I do my hair . I make sure my makeup looks right before I leave the bathroom . Mainly my eyebrows but you know what I mean. My phone had went off and I checked it . It was a reminder that I have a meeting with my agent and manager  today at 1:30. I look at the time and it says 12:45. I then grab some shoes and I sit on the edge of the bed and I put them on . I then grab my bag and I head out the door .

David's POV :
Today I decided to take the kids off of Liza's hands . For one because she needs time just to chill . And two she's always watching them so today is my turn . First I went to Zane and Gabbie's place just to hang  out . Zane was talking about how Gabbie wants to go to the mountains for Christmas . And Gabbie was holding Nixie and talking about how good she had been . I took a couple of pictures of Nixie for them and some of all three of them together . After visiting with them we headed to the park because I promised them we would go . Jason and Trisha came by with Wyatt and Charley and he had Knox . Me and Liza actually share the dog with him so it's like taking turns with watching a kid . Then Scotty showed up with Ella and Isaac . The kids played for a while , well mainly Tommy,Ella and Isaac . Because during half of their time playing Hanna come to me and she fell asleep in my arms . We the. Left the park and Jason told me he would come by the house tonight to drop off Knox . Our next stop was the store . Target which I felt like was weird because it's usually Liza with us . We had to get some groceries and stuff .

When we got home I first brought Hanna in and Tommy followed behind us . I put her in some comfy clothes . Then I placed her into her bed and Tommy went to play in his room . After I brought in and put up all the groceries I decided to do some work in my office . I had to finish editing my second channel video so I can upload it . Soon Hanna walked in looking tired " Where's mama " she said as she had a pout on her face . I knew she missed her because she's not use to just me and Tommy with her . " she will be home soon " I tel her . She then lifts up her arms and I pick her up . I then upload my video to YouTube and I left the office . I then saw Tommy in his room and it was soon time for his nap " Tommy you ready for your nap ?" I asked him and he nodded " I tilted my head back so he would know to follow us . We walk into mine and Liza bed and we all take a family nap . Minus Liza which I hated .

Liza's POV ;
Today my meeting with my manager went good . I've been casted for a tv show which will be huge . Its about a girl who's a cop but she also has to deal with her sister . And I'll be playing the sister she has to deal with . I honestly can't wait to tell David the news but he won't answer his phone . I pull up in the drive way around 5:30 and I walk in . The house was completely silent . I checked the kids rooms and they weren't their . I walk into our room and see the. All snuggled up in bed taking a nap . I awe to myself and then I pull my phone out and I snap a picture for Snapchat . I then decided to order take out .

After they woke up and after the take out got here we all just talked . David was telling me about the kids at the park and how Tommy wasn't scared to go down the big slide . Tommy was telling me how he was making puns in target just like me . Then everything settled down . The kids went to bed at 9 since they had a nap . Me and David vlogged some in our room . We did a out tro for tomorrow's vlog . I made a couple of funny jokes during it .

Soon we headed to bed and I totally forgot to share the big news with David ...
Total words : 976
I don't know why I feel this way but I swear I thought I posted a chapter already today but I think it got deleted somehow . I'm sorry if it did but here's this chapter

David and Liza : The Sequel Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon