Chapter VIII: Austria-Hungary defends

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Thousands of Austrian and Hungarian soldiers preparing themselves for war against White Fang after hearing the news at the Germany and Syria (Ottoman Empire). Meanwhile, the soldier from the military camp will sent to the battlefield by Trains.

Yang: so, we gonna prepare ourselves for the attack or defend?

A young black and yellow hair boy who same age as Yang named Lukas Alexandria.

Lukas: we're will defend it. Since those 'Terrorist' had manage to enter our land.

Yang: ok. Oh, there the train.

When the Train arrived, Lukas get on the Train along with Yang and the others Austrian and Hungarian soldiers.

Lukas: Again, thanks for your offer to fight for us.

Yang: It no problem! I'm a huntress anyway! I'll do whatever I have to save humanity.

Lukas smiled to her.


In the same time like Yang and Lukas, Blake also on the Train to the battlefield against the White Fang with Hungary boy, Agi Agoston. The Train stop at the destinations.

Blake: I think we has arrive.

Agi: Yes, my dear. We arrived at the battlefield.

Blake saw a fortress with a thick wall and lots of machine gun on the wall too. Dozens of men getting injured badly and there even dying.

Blake: Why? Why my kind are so cruelty...?

Agi: Blake, my dear, it not your fault.

Blake:(sniff) I know but...

Agi: this is what we are, Blake. A soldiers who being sent to the battlefield to sacrifice ourselves for the country. That what we are. It okay.

Blake: O-okay.

The Austrian came out from the Train with Yang and Lukas.

Yang: Blake? You here?

Blake: Yang?

Yang: are you crying?

Blake: n-no!

Lukas walk to Agi and shake his hand.

Lukas: I'm Lukas Alexandria.

Agi: Agi Agoston. It nice to meet you, comrade.

Officer: All soldiers! Prepare yourselves! They coming!

Lukas: Good luck, Agi! Let's go, Yang!

Agi: you too! Come on, Blake.

Blake: Bye, Yang.

Yang: see ya later, kitty!

The four separated to the sides. Blake and Agi defend at left while Lukas and Yang defend at the right. Other however will defend middle, left and right.

Officer: Open fire!

Those men start firing to the White Fang before they reach to the fortress. Things getting bloody since there many White Fang attacking them. Emerald however watching from far away.

Mercury: such good idea using your semblance to fool them.

Emerald:(smirk) thank you.

The (Real) White Fang actually hiding in the bush near the fortress side. But they got visible when Lukas saw them with his sharp eyes.

Lukas: Everyone, at the left.

Blake realised that these are not Faunus but a hallucinations. Agi heard what Lukas said and quickly alert about his side. Agi saw them too.

Agi: there! Right there!

The machine gunners start shooting to the bushes and hit several White Fang member.

Emerald: We got exposed!!

Mercury: Damn it!

The White Fang's attack became weak and retreat from the Battlefield.

Hungarian: They retreating!

Officer: sent the Calvary!

The Austrian and Hungarian horsemen ride on their horse and immediately chasing down the retreating Faunus. After being chased and sliced by the sword of the Calvary, Some of the Faunus survived and become a prisoners and some of them dying and buried to the ground.

Mercury: Emerald, let's go!

Emerald nod and running away like a coward.


(Y): Dey von?

Hitler: Jawohl, dey von!

Weiss: (sigh in relief) Oh thank goodness!

At Haven Academy,

Cinder: I'm sorry, Salem. But those people are too strong.

A woman in black with white skin and black veins look at her while thinking.

Salem: who are they?

A man with mustache appeared.

Watts: I came back from the research of the new lands.

Watts show the map from the library of Germany and show four country.

Watts: This one is Germany. Strong, patriotic and religious. Tons of advance weapons and advance strategy. This one are the Muslims kingdoms of Ottoman Empire. Strong, believe in faith and religious too. These two however is Austria and Hungary. Strong and most survival Country from the attacks of other Empire.

Salem: Continue, Watts.

Watts: together they call their Alliance, The Kaiserreich.

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