Chapter V: Ruby in Ottoman Empire

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At Syria, Middle east

Ruby waiting for her arrival to Turkey but at the same time she felt bored while waiting.

Ruby: God, I'm bored.

Pilot: Hey look! There a building there!

Ruby walk to the pilot and saw several of cube-shaped villages.

Ruby: let's landed right there.

Pilot: copy that.

The pilot fly it ship to the near place that near the villages. After they landed, Ruby quickly went inside the village. She saw many female villagers wearing scarfhead and male villagers wearing turban and white fez.

Ruby: who are these people? Why they wearing like that?

Ruby notice there a man running towards Ottoman soldier to tell about Ruby appearance. The soldier turn to look to her.

Turk Soldier: Hey, you!

Ruby: Me?

Turk Soldier: Who are you? Why you wearing like this?

Ruby: I.... Um..

Turk Soldier: Are you British spy? *aim his rifle to her* Tell me!

Ruby: I'm not a spy! I'm a student!

Suddenly, Ameer appeared.

Ameer: What going on here?

Turk soldier: Sargent, this girl is a spy! She wearing weird clothes!

Ruby: it my usual clothes!

Ameer: Your wrong, Private.

Turk soldier: what?

Ameer: I don't think she a spy. Plus, we in other world and there only Germany, Turkey and middle east and Austria and Hungary. If this world had another it own nations.

Ruby: *phew* Thank you. I'm not a spy, I'm a student. I came here to explore this new land.

Ameer: for what? Who sent you?

Ruby: my headmaster, Prof. Ozpin and we just wanted to know if it not Grimm new land.

Ameer: Grimm? Follow me.

Ruby nod and follow him to walk around the village.

Ameer: so what a Grimm?

Ruby: Grimm are the creatures that look like an animals but it has black skin and armour skull.

Ameer: Wait, you mean the 'Demon'?

Ruby: Demon?

Ameer: My people call it 'Demon' because it has red eyes and it like to kill people since we met it today.

Ruby: today? What do you mean today?

Ameer: well we arrive in this world today.

Ruby: arrive? Wait, you mean, you from another world?!

Ameer:*nod* Yes, since the failed experiment from Germany.

Ruby: Germany?

Meanwhile at Germany...

(Y) in his tent while sitting on the chair looking to Weiss who sitting awkwardly.

Weiss: t-the name Weiss Schnee.

(Y): pft.... Could jou repeat it again?

Weiss: Weiss Schnee? The heiress of Schnee dust company?

(Y): you're a heiress of unknown company and your name is 'White Snow'?

Weiss: hey, how dare you call me 'White Snow'!

(Y): what? It true! In German, White is 'Weiss' and Snow is 'Schnee'.

Weiss: Oh.. German? Who are you people? Plus, what do you mean 'unknown company'?

(Y): Listen here, we are not people of this world. We are from another dimensions called Earth.

Weiss: you kidding right?

(Y): ever heard this? *Ahem* Ich spreche Deutsch.

Weiss: what was that mean?

(Y): I speak German.

Weiss: okay, that proof that you from another world.

(Y): *sigh* Thank god, you understand!

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