Gaia crawled around the perimeter slowly, looking for any grooves or cracks in the walls that she could use to boost herself out. Unfortunately, the walls were completely smooth. She couldn't find anything and it frustrated her. She knew that the Box wouldn't go down with a person still in it, it was in the blueprint. There was no way out and the boys would begin to start asking questions if the Box didn't leave soon.

The voices continued to shout and laugh above me, and Gaia figured she might as well take one more look. As she began to crawl once more she heard someone shout trying to get the other boys' attention. Even though she was trying to be cautious, one of the boys had seen her.
"Hey! There's something moving in the Box!"

Gaia froze for a moment before her instincts finally kicked in. She scuttled back to the dark corner as boys began to crowd around the box, pressing herself firmly against the wall to stay hidden. Their shadows did most of the work for her, blocking out all of the light so that none of them was able to see her.

"What's in there, Greenie?" someone shouted over the noise.

She didn't hear the boy's response, but the noise of the crowd dropped substantially, leaving only whispers in its wake. The rope dropped into the Box once more as the boys spoke in hushed tones amongst themselves. When the rope reached the floor of the Box Gaa stayed exactly where she was. She knew she had to leave eventually, but leaving would just make it real.

Everything was silent for at least a minute, even the whispers eventually stopped. No one moved, and no one spoke.

Suddenly, a person jumped down into the Box, the metal vibrating from the impact. Obviously, someone had given up on waiting. They peered into the dark, searching for what was lurking in the shadows.

When they spotted Gaia, their eyes went wide with shock, before they cleared their throat.
"Hey. It's okay, we're not gonna hurt ya," he told her.

He held out his hand, a small smile on his face. The boy who stood before her was tall, with dark skin and a bald head. Alby, one of the Subjects that was sent on the first arrival.

If Alby was greeting the newcomers, that most likely meant that Nick had died in between Gaia being caught and ending up here. When he was being tested, Alby had shown great leadership qualities, so it was no surprise to her that he was the new head honcho.

Gaia took a moment before she accepted his offer, grabbing his hand and allowing him to help her to her feet. He looked the girl up and down, still surprised by her.
"Grab onto the rope and let's get you outta here, Greenie," he smiled handing her the rope.

With a gulp, Gaia stepped out of the dark and grabbed onto the rope, placing one foot in the loop and giving it a small tug. The rope began to strain and then she was moving. Slowly, they lifted her out of the Box until she had hands grabbing her to pull her over the edge.

"The Greenie wasn't lying. It's a girl," one of them exclaimed.

The whispering started up again as they all stared at the girl standing before them. Gaia spun in a small circle, squinting as her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. She was surrounded by about fifty boys; the majority of who she had recognised from her work with the Creators.

One of the boys chuckled, arms across his chest, "Are you sure it's not just some girly-looking shank?" Looking at the source of the voice, Gaia saw that it was the Subject they called Gray.

"Couldn't look any girlier than you," a boy shot back. Glancing over, she recognised Locke instantly. He was always quick with a snarky comment.

They all began to comment and theorise, whilst some others helped Alby to climb back out of the Box. They continued to talk and point, and Gaia had had enough of it. Taking a step towards a tall boy with dark, cropped hair - Gally - she grabbed the knife out of the sheath on his leg.

She held it up in front of her, wielding it against them all. Any time someone moved near me, she spun and pointed the knife at them. Gaia wasn't going to stand there and let them talk about her as if she weren't there.

"Hey, slow your roll, Greenie," Alby said as he climbed to his feet. He was holding his hands up in defence as he took a cautious step towards her. "We're all on the same side here."

She had to play the part. They couldn't know that she knew who they were, or where she was. The knife might have been a bit much, but all in the name of theatricality, I guess, she thought to herself.

There was still a lot of talking and pointing at the latest arrivals. Some of them were even snickering at the fact that Gaia was holding a knife at them, while others stared in shock.
Alby spun around to look at them all. "I said shut your holes! Keep yapping and next break'll be cut in half!"

WICKED was right, he made an excellent leader.
The girl slowly spun on my heel, searching for one boy in particular. Rosie's little brother. So far, she couldn't see him and it wasn't like she was able to just outright ask where he was.

And that's when the girl realised; she hadn't been concentrating when she was in the Box because she had been panicking. But now, Gaia understood what WICKED was referring to.

'You tell them anything you know, and we kill him.'

They were talking about Charles.

Why send her in here with memories, when she could just slyly hint at the way out? It wouldn't be that difficult. But that's when her blood ran cold. Gaia wracked her brain multiple times but came up with nothing.

The girl's heart sank.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember how to end the Trial and escape the Maze.

It was the perfect punishment. Knowing so much and not being able to tell anyone. Knowing how to play the game, but not how to end it.



So, wI hope you guys are liking it so far. I wanted to try something different by having the OC actually know what's going on instead of being in the dark.
I'm also really excited to introduce you all to the other O.Cs I've added this time around, and I hope you guys will love them as much as I have grown to love them.

Also, from where they were thrown in the Slammer is where it became the movie.

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