"Well I personally feel like she should tell the family, if she is young she needs a lot of support she can get and she shouldn't deprive the baby of family. But I don't fully understand nor am I in the situation at hand so Jean should do what's right and move on from there." Nodding his head we took off again walking taking this skipping thing to the library where I could catch up on sleep and he could draw the "fantastic scenery."

"You aren't the stuck up broad I thought you would be."

"And you aren't that Weird, I'll probably have fifty drawings of you everywhere guy I thought you were." Sucking his teeth he took out his book and I sank deep low into the couch. Before I knew It I was a sleep and dreaming about floating through clouds.


Making my way through the gym I dropped my stuff on the bleachers. Live begged me to stay during my free period to watch her step team with her and be a judge on who was going to be the new members on the team this year. They sent each girl an email of the video they had to watch and memorize, being that It was really easy more than half these girls should make It but probably won't

"Okay ladies we are looking for stamina, speed, loud voices and hard stompers so do your best and we will see who has what I.t takes.... oh and be ready for criticism, if that's a problem for most then you may leave now." With none of the girls getting up she pulled up the list of girls who signed up and started pulling up names.

"Ebony Jay and Lauren Lam you're up, good luck." Taking my seat next to Liv she gave me a paper to write down some notes so we could review It afterwards.

"Attention!" One of the girls yelling they began stepping and I saw real potential in them but one of the girls were very forgetful but she never stopped which I found perfect.

As more girls stepped up and did the exact same thing It was a little over 3 in the afternoon and I was so ready to go home.

"Ok girls, who made It and who didn't will be posted up by the main office tomorrow. Have a nice day." Waving then off Liv turned in her seat getting up to get her stuff.

"So who do you think did that best?" Walking with her she and the other girls were standing around have mini conversations.

"I really liked Jaminah and Jace, all the other girls was alright, some needed a lot of work." Shrugging my shoulders I picked up my book bag and we started to walk towards the exit with all the other girls following behind.

"Well I think you should definitely take Aryon, and Lauren they were pretty good in my opinion." Shaking her head yes we were outside standing by the front door waiting for everyone else.

"I'm about to go with the team to go get something to eat do you mind?" Shaking my head no I sensed something wrong with Liv but know her she wasn't going to tell me right away so I had to just wait on her to drop a hint.

"Nah, Theo is coming to get me to "talk" so you can go a head." Giving me a hug she walked off with the rest of the girls and I stood there pulling out my phone going to his contact.


"Yeah, you still coming to get me?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in 10 mins."

"Okay." Hanging up I leaned against the wall waiting for him. School was let out about a half hour ago so It was kind of quiet around.

Bumping to my music a black Ashton Martin Db9 with red rims pulled up in front the school making me become very nosey. The car was definitely very sexy and I never really seen fancy cars around here due to criminals and nobody whats they car jacked.

"Yo Moe, lets go." Looking up Theo was leaning on the passenger side door looking at me as I was lost in thought. I was never really into niggas that flashed around but the way Theo did It he made It seem like that shit was regular to anyone.

"How was your day?" Opening the door for me I had to dip fairly low to get into the car, I wasn't a big fan of two seaters but this car was making me change my mind.

"It was fine." Closing the door her walked around to his side and got in. Looking over his outfit he had on a black short sleeve shit with black pants sagging and black foreign shoes on. I wasn't going to lie he look great, spicing the outfit up with a silver watch and single chain.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Once he got in the car I got right to the point not wanting to beat around any bush or waist my time with tension.

"Ight let me apologize for my behavior at the theater, I was embarrassed and angry that you fought that girl over something so little. I know It's hard to keep cool when someone is testing you but I got upset."

"Ok, apology excepted. And I'm sorry for how I acted getting crazy and shit, that ain't me and I don't want you having to worry where you can take me and who you can bring me around." Nodding his head he put the key in the ignition and pulled off.

"I have a question, are you and Ceaser still something? Are feeling still involved?" Leaning back I wasn't prepared for that question. Me and Ceaser ended so fast I didn't know how to handle my feelings so I became and I don't care girl and never really expressed anything with anyone.

" I know. I never really dealt with my feelings properly after him so there was a tang of jealousy but as far as something going on, no." Trying to avoid looking at him I focused on the road trying to not have this become a big thing.

"Do you wish there was something going on?" Do I? At one moment he was someone I really did become to lean on and have strong feeling for. But the person he has become now is something so childish and not right for anyone, maybe if he was the same person that I meet when I was first starting the 11th grade then I would probably want him back.

"No. He is no good and I can't fuck with It." Seeing a smug look on his face he tried to hide It but he was doing a terrible job, me and Theo were only talking for now and I didn't really wanna mess this up over something old and worn.

"Ok I'm glad this was not a screaming match and clam." Placing his hand on my thigh we were pulling up near my building. There was so many car parked all around I.t was hard to find a parking spot.

"All this for your brother?" Nodding his head he shut the car off and As I was reaching for the handle to open the door he grabbed my hand and told me hold on a min.

"I'm not ready to let you go just yet." Looking at him I laid my head on his shoulder leaning back.

"Play your cards right and you won't have to let me go." Play slapping me in my face he started up play fight between us that lead to talking, and bumping music. We enjoyed each other company for an hour before both of us had to get prepared for this funeral.

"Remember our deal ight. Let me know if you want out, no drama on this side ok?" Nodding my head we hugged for a long time before he kissed my cheek walking off, I wasn't going to lie I wanted to move his face a little to the left putting my lips of his soft juicy ones but to early for me to be attaching my mouth to anything.

"See you later ma."Disappearing up the steps my heart was fluttering. I was half way expecting a screaming match, so I'm very glad everything went smoothly. Now on to a very depressing part of the day.


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Rixy B.🍭

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