Chapter One (2/3) (edited)

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BTS pov,

We got down on our cars and proceed walking to our new school. New school, New girls ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

everything was going smoothly until jungkook bumped on some trash, oh look. a nerd

"Mianhe..." she said and bow at us and walked like nothing happened "why tf is a nerd here?" Taehyung cringe at the mentioned person "nerds like her shouldn't be include in this school"

"hey hey taehyung, dont mind a trash like her. she's just nothing when it comes to us, alright?" Namjoon patted on taehyungs shoulder and proceed walking until they reached the main door


Mina FINNALLY made friends for the FIRST time in her school life, a popular girl she have heard on middle school which is blackpink

"Hey mina you wanna join us?" Lisa asked while tapping the seat beside her
Mina hesitates but still ended up sitting beside her "glady to have you in our crew" lisa grinned "im in your cre--"
before she can say a word someone poured juice on her, which shook the whole cafeteria

"what the-- WHY TF DID YOU DO THAT?!" jennie shout, but the guy seemes like he doesn't care "that's for bumping me earlier" right, thats the guy mina just bumped earlier...well that was pretty obvious :D

mina doesn't want to cause an argument because she's KIND "i-im fine" mina said trying not to sound angry "Let's just go." rose smiled at mina then glared at the 'guy'

walking out from the scene they got to tha girls restroom "does he know that if he fought a girl he's a gay?" jennie rolled her eyes making mina and the rest of the girls laughing "here" jennie said giving mina her red sweater


"it's ok, you can have it"

"thank you.."

im back, for so long :')

Nerd in disguise //bts ff// (RE-WRITED)Where stories live. Discover now