A new voice weighted in, "Oh Gabi, you're overthinking it. I'm sure he's just-"

"He's just off with you." Louisa cuts Penelope off mid sentence, "The other week, I heard he kissed Rachel Ryder, and then after that-"

She was then stopped mid sentence, "That's enough Louisa." Penelope gritted her teeth.

"No," Gabriella prods her finger, "keep going."

"He kissed P-"

"Poppy Topkins." Penelope intervened. She's definitely hiding something, "It was strange though, another girl was flirting with him and Daniel didn't even take a second glance, no eye contact, nothing." She changed the subject so fast, but I still beamed at the thought: Daniel's already rejecting girls for me.

But still, he made out with a few before he asked me out. Was he just keeping up with his ego? Of course, maybe... But I don't care. I don't think I should, should I?

Curiosity surges through me, "Maybe he's saving himself for you Gabs," Louisa said optimistically.

It was silent for awhile before someone decided to talk, "I would like to think so too, but I really don't think that is the case." She replies inquisitively, "Why would someone like Daniel reject a girl? That's not like him. Not only that, he hasn't even asked me out on a date this month. What's going on with him? There can only be one answer to this. He's-"

"He's gay?!" Louisa blurted. I don't even know if that was a question or...

"Louisa, no, c'mon, it's pretty clear Daniel has a girlfriend- wait. Gay?" Louisa nodded. "It all adds up," Penelope said dumbfounded, "the steering away from girls all of a sudden, a loss in interest in her, Gabriella Martinez. It's starting to become all clear, now that you mention it. Wow, Louisa, I didn't realise how smart you actually are."

Louisa is stupid! I shouted in my head, slapping my forehead like Homer from the Simpsons, except mentally. But to be honest, I'd rather them think Daniel was gay than them actually knowing he has a girlfriend, also known as, me. The hairs on my skin start to rise. I shivered.

"No, you idiots. Daniel must have a girlfriend." Gabriella pipes, smartly. She's the only smart one here, and I really want her to be dumb right now.

The girls both scoffed, "As if. Daniel and relationships never work out. Like you two-o-o," Louisa trails off, "I mean, uh."

Penelope butts in, "What's she's trying to say is that, people like Daniel can never (and will never) be in a relationship for 3 obvious reasons: one. He's gay. Two. Guys never change. And three. It's Daniel for crying out loud, by the time it hits 24hours he'll be onto the next girl, or guy."

It was silent for a few seconds, but Gabriella's voice broke it, "Whatever. C'mon girls let's go to class." She pops her lips, the sound of their heels strutting out of the girls bathroom (finally).

I stepped out of the cubicle, fixing my hair before class started, and before I was rudely interrupted by the panthers. Mental eye roll. The door of the bathroom opened, one of the Panther's heels crashing against the floor. My heart started to beat faster. If they know I was in here eavesdropping on their conversation, they will not be happy. Luckily, it was Louisa.

She took the lip gloss bottle, which I never noticed until now, beside the sink. I don't think she realised I was in the same room as her as she was looking at herself in the mirror as if i wasn't there. She flutters her eyelashes, and shakes her head. I was there, standing still, unable to move.

"Sienna!" She smiles happily.

I arched my eyebrows, confused.

She looks around. Here we go, here comes the big question. "Sienna, you can't tell anyone. And I mean no one. Especially Gabriella." She stares at me wide eyed. I nod slowly in reply, "You're really lovely." She shoots me a tight smile, whips her body around quickly and struts off.

That was unexpected. And weird.


It's hard to know how to act when Daniel's around. Since, I don't know if I'm being too flirty or too distant. I really don't want anyone to find out about us because if they do, that's basically the end of our relationship, and possibly everything else.

Daniel and I were sitting on the bench during lunch, eating our sandwiches. We were awfully close, but I couldn't help but sit this close to him. I can't sit this close to him, everyone will find out. Maybe you're overthinking this. I want to pinch my arm, this is so overwhelming.

"Are you alright?" Daniel whispered, the sandwich close to his face.

I battered my eyelashes, pulling myself away from my train of thoughts, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just, anxious about this whole thing."

He furrowed his brows, "What do you mean?"

"Relationships." I replied in a whisper.

He nods in realisation slowly, "Right. Listen, you're overthinking this. Don't think about what other people think. No one will find out unless you're being obvious. Just act how you would normally around me. Annoying, sarcastic, idiotic-"

I rolled my eyes and stopped him, "Alright alright, I'm going to stop you before you give a long list of reasons not to date me."

"But I love every single one of them." He spoke lustfully in a small tone.

I pouted, "Shut up."

He chuckles and continues to eat his sandwich. In the distance, I saw Bella running towards me her blonde ponytail bouncing in the air as she approaches us on the table, "Sienna! There's a party we have to go to."

I rolled my eyes, I'm not in the mood to party. "I think I'll pass Bells. I'm really tired."

"Oh please Sienna!" Bella pleaded, "Please! I don't have anyone else to go with."

I chewed my sandwich, Daniel kicking my leg gently underneath the table. I glanced at the corner of my eyes. He insisted I go, I think thats what he meant by his facial expression. "I'll go." Daniel pipes in.

"Great." I replied sarcastically, "Look Bells, you can go with Daniel."

She glowered at me, "Sienna!"

An annoyed and defeated groan escapes from my lips, cleaning my mouth with tissue, "Fine!"

She jumped in the air, embracing me in a hug and a peck on the cheek, "I love you so much!" Bella dashes off, her legs flying with glee.

Daniel laughs, "Have fun."

I scoffed, "You're coming too."

He pets me in a disgusted manner, "No thanks."

I slapped the sandwich out of his hands, the food spilling all over the floor. "Sienna!!" His deep voice erupting the courtyard.

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