"Who said I didn't have money coming in?" He asked, coolly.

A large gulp of nothing was swallowed down my throat, causing it to ache. He was right about the money. Since it was never mentioned, I came to my own conclusions.

"No one, I just thought-"

"Never assume things, Ms. Martina. Haven't you ever heard that it makes an ass out of you and me? Unfortunately, one of us is the bigger one in this situation. I'll let you take a guess as to who it is."

If I wasn't so shocked that I had just been called an ass, I would've had a comeback. But as my jaw hung and I held eye contact with Rhode, I didn't know what to think. What Adrian told me about not taking Rhode's comments too seriously was the next thing that came to mind. How could I not, when he made smart remarks like that?

"Ugh, forget it." An annoyed groan was heard. "As much as I love smelling you, I'll walk myself up to my apartment."

Even though Rhode held a tight grip on her, Carlita was momentarily forgotten by the two of us. I was too lost in trying to figure out what else Rhode did while he looked like he wanted to karate chop me.

"Good, it saves me the trouble."

A second glance wasn't given to either me or my friend as he let her go and strolled back to the driver side of his car. I walked further up the bricks when Carlita motioned me over with her hand.

"You done fucked up now." She sang, making me take my eyes off of Rhode's backside and train them on her face.

"What are you talking about?" I snapped, having enough of the night already.

"All I'm going to say is think before you speak, oh young one. And that's an Audi S8, even I knew that."

She shook her head, like it was so obvious.

"Thanks for the tip." I half smiled.

"Mm, sure." She yawned. "Now hurry up and get back in that car before he leaves you. I know he's tempted to. Make sure you apologize for being a know-it-all before the night is over, too."

"Okay, mom." I rolled my eyes.

"Good girl," She called to my retreating back. "and I want grandchildren!"

"Shut the hell up! He can probably hear you."

That woman was unbelievable at times. When I slid back into the soft interior, Rhode slammed on the gas without even making sure I was in safely.

Maybe I should apologize now before I don't even make it home with the way he's driving.

Nothing but silence stretched between us other than when I instructed Rhode to turn left or right to get to my parents' house on the outside of the city. I was pretty sobered up by the time I got home - well, at least that's how I felt. Rhode's icy behavior during the fifteen minute car ride wasn't exactly comforting and his vibes radiated through the confined space.

When we pulled up to the two story Colonial, he was the first to speak.

"I know someone that can tow your car here before you leave for work in the morning. Free of charge."

He still hadn't turned to look at me, and just sat staring out of the windshield at the dimly lit street.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I was implying earlier. I just-"

"Good night, Ms. Martina." He cut me off.

"I just want to apologiz-"

Another cut off; this time it was harsh.

"Get out." He ordered.

My eyebrows felt as if they rose to my hairline from the abruptness of his command.

"Excuse me?"

"That's what I'm trying to do." He sarcastically spat. "Get out of my car... now."

For the second time in less than an hour, I didn't know how to respond to that man. His green eyes pierced into my own, causing heat to creep onto my neck and spread over to my ears. I hesitantly opened the car door and stepped out of the vehicle. It felt like if I made any type of wrong movement, he'd no doubt lose his cool even more than he already had.

When I attempted to close the door, Rhode had already driven past me before I heard the slam of it. Tiffany's words from earlier echoed through my mind.

You got yourself into it, now deal with it. 

Deal with it.

Deal. With. It.

I was already dealing with it. And if he didn't deal with his attitude, I didn't know how long I would be able to control my own.

* * * * *

This isn't as long as the other chapters. I just wanted to get something up here.

There's a picture of who I imagine as Rhode on the side/top depending on how you look at this. I'm slightly obsessed with this man o_o . It was a little difficult to find a picture of him where he's actually clothed.

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