"NYU I could have gone in Spring but I'm just taking an internship at my aunt's magazine job for the end of the summer. Then fall I'll be going."

He grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. I immediately started crying and he did a little too. My dream of leaving Abbie was more real than ever. I had all of my credits I could have graduated last year but I wanted to graduate with my best friend and Ryan.

"Damnit," Tyler said as we parted.

I wiped his tears away and he wiped mine. I began to giggle at that moment. Tyler just smiled at me.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too better not tell anyone I cried."

"Cross my heart I won't."

The bell rang so we got up and went to class. Ryan saw me in the hallway and stopped me.

"Hey, where have you been? Were you crying?"

"No, I gotta get to class talk later."

I pecked him on the cheek and went to class. I avoided Ryan till the end of the day. We picked up my little brother for my mom and dropped him off at the house. I went in with him and left my stuff in the car with Ryan.

My mom was doing the laundry when we came in. I went straight into the laundry room. My mom was caucasian with brown eyes and long brown hair today it was in a bun.

"Jere is here. I'm going over Ryan's okay?"

"Okay. Thank you for picking him up."

" No problem mom."

I kissed her on her cheek and left out. I got in the car and we rode to his house. My phone was next to Ryan. I check it and saw Tyler had texted me. He asked me if I told Ryan. I gulped air wondering if Ryan saw this.

When we got to his house I went straight in. His parents weren't home they barely were. Ryan's dad was the Sheriff. Sheriff Matthews and his mom worked with the Mayor. I went straight to his room and sat at his desk. I logged into my email to see if I got any other acceptances.

He came in and undressed. I turned around he was in his tank top and boxers.

"Wanna join me?" He said smirking.

He was so cute I couldn't refuse. I smiled and stood up. I kicked off my shoes and took off my top. Then I jumped on him. He kissed me over and over. Ryan laid me down and undressed me. When he kissed my body I yearned for him. My moans filled the silence and we went on from there. We never had sex he just ate my pleasure and I returned.

Afterward, Ryan held me for a few. Then I had to get in the shower. He got my clothes for me while I was in. I always left clothes over at Ryan's because I was always there. He usually would get in with me but then we would be later.

When I got out I found Ryan waiting for me leaning on the sink. He seemed angry about something I could see on his face.

"What's wrong?" I said.

"How could you not tell me?" He asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I passed by him and went into the room. I dried off and got dressed as we talked.

"Yes, you do. New York Raina! Are you fucking kidding me!?

"Are you serious?"

"Are you!?"

"Stop fucking shouting at me, Ryan!"

"You're just gonna leave me that's it?"

"I told you I was leaving Abbie soon as school was over in 9th grade Ryan."

"That was just a stupid dream of yours!"

Everything went silent and my expression turned shocked. He was so angry with me, he didn't even take it back. I just put on my shoes and tried not to cry.

"I'm leaving whether you like it or not Ryan," I said gathering my stuff.

"If you leave we're done, Raina."

"Then I guess were over for good cause I'm still leaving Ryan. No one is stopping me."

I walked home crying a little and my hair was still wet. I kept feeling like someone was watching me but I didn't see anyone. I wasn't scared though Abbie is probably the safest place on the planet.

When I got in I went straight to my room. Ryan blew up my phone all night long. Tyler FaceTimed me on my iMac. I told him everything and cried. He ended up coming over  to cheer me up. We ended up having a movie night in the living room with my little brother.

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