Part 2 Fall of a Dragon.

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Sorry BigBoss, and Neo, everything will be okay, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

Cinder stood in front of her other home, the home she shares with Desmond Royal, or at least whats left of him, in her jacket she carries a special blade made to slay a Dragon, and to harvest the Dragon's body of important 'materials,' Cinder breaths in slowly and then out, knowing that she can't fail this mission for her King, she just has to live with the feeling of Dread in killing her partner, she slowly walks to the door, and opens it, to find clothes everywhere, Desmond and what looks like Neo's clothes, at that a flame emits from Cinder's eyes showing that she is furious, she walks in further to the bedroom, opens the door and see's her once loyal partner sleeping with Neo, peacefully unaware that they are being watched, Cinder takes the blade from behind her with gloved hands, and before she does anything she pulls Neo out of bed, and sets her off to the side, and then she stands over Desmond's body, and viciously thrusts the blade into Desmond's chest, the blade glows dark red as Desmond's blood comes out of the wound, Desmond's eyes open slowly, "C-C-Cinder...." says Desmond before he goes limp, but that wasn't enough for Cinder, she twisted the blade making it take each and every last drop painfully as it could be, taking it out, and stabbing it back into him, allowing it to take more material, she stopped, and looked at Neo, and got Neo's Umbrella and stabs it into Desmond's chest twice, making sure the blood is stuck on the needle like blade, framing Neo for this Grim act, putting the weapon in Neo's hand's making it all Neo's fault, with that, Cinder grabbed the actual weapon and quickly ran out of the house, going back to Obsidian, proving her loyalty.

"Well done Cinder, you have completed your task in slaying your pawn." says Obsidian as he holds the blade inspecting it's glow, "Now, go and check on our little girl." says Obsidian, at that Cinder nods, and walks to her daughters room, opening the door, as soon as she opened it fully and stepped in, she couldn't see anything in the black room, and at that the door slammed behind her forcing her in, and then Cinder couldn't feel her body as Medusa started to squeeze the life out of Cinder, "P-Pl-Please, l-l-let M-M-Mommy g-go..." begs Cinder to Medusa, "But Mommy looks Delicious today with her sins." says Medusa as she squeezes tighter and tighter, but at that Obsidian's hand touched Medusa's coils, "The time is not yet my little girl, let her go." says Obsidian, "Awwwwwww." says Medusa as she uncoils her mother and hugs her father, "But I want vengeance now!" says Medusa as she pouts her lips, "Hmmmm." says Obsidian, at that he then whispers into Medusa's ear, at that she nods, "Uh huh." says Medusa, her tail short forward to Cinder wrapping around her legs, and then Medusa's tail takes Cinder's shoes off, exposing Cinder's sensitive side, at that Medusa started to tickle Cinder, making her laugh uncontrollably, "PLEAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH STAHAHAHAHAHP!!!!" screams Cinder, Obsidian leaves the room, and picks the glowing weapon up, and takes it to a special room, specifically the living room,

" says Medusa, her tail short forward to Cinder wrapping around her legs, and then Medusa's tail takes Cinder's shoes off, exposing Cinder's sensitive side, at that Medusa started to tickle Cinder, making her laugh uncontrollably, "PLEAHAHAHAHAHAH...

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(The Blade when it wasn't stabbed, just imagine it has a red glow.)

"There we go, a safe place to hide it." says Obsidian as he pulls on the book shelf showing a strange vault, he opens the vault and puts the blade in, safe as it can be, "No one can take it from me." says Obsidian as he smiles, the vault then closes and Obsidian pushes the book shelf back in place hiding it, he then looks out the window and smiles, "You can't hide forever Maidens, trust me, she thought she could hide." says Obsidian as he chuckles, his chuckling turning to laughter, then to psychopathic laughter.

Medusa lets go of her mother, and slithers away, Cinder starts to ponder where Obsidian went, she got up and went to look for him, finding him turning the TV on, and his face seeming to be pondering the manner of things, things that Cinder couldn't even understand yet, and at that Obsidian heard Cinder walk in, "Cinder darling, how would you feel if our daughter got an education?" asks Obsidian as he waves his right hand activating a hologram, as he makes it move to somewhere else, "I-I would be both pleased and aggravated." says Cinder as she sits don watching him, "Don't worry I plan to enroll her in Oblivion Academy, there I can keep an eye on her, and prevent some possible problems that she may face with being stuck inside a house." says Obsidian as he shows her Oblivion Academy's layout, "Are you sure she won't be a problem?" asks Cinder, "I'm sure, after all we have seventy nine students, so why not eighty?" says Obsidian as he presses the button labeled enroll, and then he swipes right again and stops at the name 'Medusa Fall Grimmson' "There she is now enrolled." says Obsidian as he makes the holograms go away, "Cinder darling, it's best if you don't hurt her anymore." says Obsidian, at that the shadows rise from each corner giving the room a dark and ominous effect, "Tonight you will be rewarded for you loyalty to me." says Obsidian as he hugs her, Cinder could feel his heart beat, and feel the warmth that he gives off.

Under the Grimmson Manor, hides a labyrinth like construction, completed with flora and fauna, each corridor is designed to change, and to trap whoever is foolish enough to try and find the exit, only a Grimmson can go through the Labyrinth, and escape with their sanity intact, Cinder doesn't know of it's existence, and she will never find her way through, for she hasn't married Obsidian, nor does she plan to take the name, Medusa she knows each and every inch of the Labyrinth, this is where she shall stalk her prey to become what she is destined to be.

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