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Hi Guys! I'm sorry for the hiatus, I've been traveling a lot and busy with work and school but I am committed to finishing this story, although I can't promise an exact update schedule. The more love you give it, the more motivated I will be to write it, so if you're enjoying this story let me know!



"Meet Kyle in the library in sixty minutes." Lyla spoke in a rush as she placed Penelope's lunch tray on her table. "It would look suspicious for him to be seen coming to your room."

Lyla looked at Penelope, and Penelope sensed tension and hesitation. "What is it Lyla? What's happened?"

Lyla took a deep breath, "Well, it's really just rumors Princess, but, well you know that ball the Queen is throwing?"


"Well apparently she announced to the other royals that you would be attending."

"What? But she hasn't even spoken to me in weeks! Not even to bring me to an Offering!" Penelope knew her eyes were wide.

"I know Princess. I don't know what it means but...well I can't help thinking that it can't mean anything good." Lyla dropped her gaze.

"I'm sure it doesn't." Penelope agreed, "But we can hardly waste time worrying about that right now.-"

Before Penelope could finish her sentence, there was a knock at the door, and without waiting for a response, the Royal Announcer pushed the door open.

Surprised, Penelope gasped, "Announcer Robert! I did not give you permission to enter!"

Announcer Robert ignored her, looking nervous, he stood straight, his back to the wall and shouted, "Her Royal Majesty, the Queen!" before he bowed back out of the door and the Queen herself walked in.

"Lyla." The Queen said, "I would appreciate it if you would leave my daughter and I alone for a few moments."

Without speaking Lyla bowed her head and curtsied out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Mother!" Penelope exclaimed, "I-wasn't expecting you."

"Yes," the Queen seemed distracted yet calm, "I'm sure you've been wondering what has been going on. I'm sorry to keep you away like this Penelope, but after that last Offering...well, people were beginning to talk. I thought it best to give them some time to forget about the incident, and about you."

Pausing, the Queen came to sit across from Penelope at the table. Penelope couldn't remember the last time her mother had sat at her table, or sat down in her room at all, and the Queen looked out of place at the simple round table for two.

Realizing her mother was expecting a response, Penelope stammered, "Oh,'s okay Mother."

Smiling faintly the Queen continued, "I've instilled in you from a young age how important it is to keep up appearances for the public. The citizens of Caravaea expect a strong Queen. One who can protect them from the outside and keep the country functioning as it should. When they see a Princess who cannot take Powers with which to keep that protection intact....they worry."

Penelope nodded slowly, working hard to keep her face neutral.

"I've been thinking long and hard about how we can change this. I don't want to abandon hope in you Penelope, but at this point, something must be done."

Dread pulsated through Penelope's stomach.

"We are going to make a few changes in how things are done around this palace. For one, we are going to start doing staged Offerings."

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