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"We have to test it."

Althea felt Gemma's eyes boring into her back. She didn't turn around. She knew what she would see if she did: Gemma, staring at Althea like she was gold that Gemma had just unburied.

Instead, Althea didn't respond to Gemma at all, keeping her back facing Gemma, not even moving.

"I know you're listening." Gemma said impatiently, "Can't you say something?"

Althea rolled over. "Fine. I'll say this: no."


Althea had had enough, "No Gemma. We aren't 'testing' this. I'm not your little guinea pig, for you to poke and prod and turn into your little resistance fighter. I'm not a part of the resistance. The only thing I have interest in doing is getting out of here, back to my mother, who needs me."

Gemma scowled. "Fine, be a little scaredy cat and run back to your mother."

There was a silence which Althea was perfectly happy to let fall over the room like a veil of tension. Gemma broke it.

"Do you just not get it Althea? Do you not see the injustice of it all? They're stealing from us! They're forcing us to give them a part of ourselves. And what do we get in return? No help from them! They use our powers to continue their life of luxury, hosting dinner parties and balls while we starve! Worse than that! While we die!" Gemma paused for emotional effect, "Maybe you don't get it because it isn't effecting you right now. But you will. You can't just turn your head Althea. We all live in this world we've created. What happens when your mother falls ill? She's older. Older people are more vulnerable. It could be something as seemingly innocent as the flu. Easily cureable right? But how? We have no healers."

Althea shrugged. "I'll find a way. I always do."

Gemma countered immediately, "Until the day you don't. But why does it have to take until then. Don't you have any compassion for your fellow humans? They are suffering now! Just because you aren't doesn't mean you shouldn't help them. You could be the key to saving everyone!"

Gemma finishes triumphantly, obviously positive she'd just schooled any arguments Althea could make. Althea thought the whole thing felt a bit overdramatic though, and decided the easiest way to deal with the situation was to say nothing.

But as she rolled back over, she couldn't help reflecting on what Gemma had said. Was she right? Was Althea being selfish, not wanting to explore her potential ability further? But then Althea laughed at herself. She was being ridiculous. There was no special ability. This whole idea was ridiculous.

Before Althea had managed to fall back asleep, a loud obnoxious bell sounded.

"The inspection bell." Gemma answered Althea's questioning expression. "Sometimes, the royals in charge of running the jail come through for inspection. Usually only about once a week. It's their weekly power trip. Nothing too exciting."

Suddenly, out of the cell doors came a pair of handcuffs and two foot shackles, attached together. Gemma approached the chains, slipping one leg into a foot cuff and closing it, and following suit with her hands in the handcuffs. Without looking at Althea she said, "It's best to cooperate. Otherwise things can get....nasty."

Althea walked over and did as Gemma had done. As soon as the cuffs clicked into place on her wrists, the door to their cell opened, and in sync, they entered the hallway. The flow of other prisoners led them down into a huge banquet hall.

One there, they were directed into straight lines, and told to stand at attention. Five royals stood at the front of the room, three rows from Althea and Gemma, observing the proceedings with disinterest.

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