Chapter 7: Smirks and Jerks

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Chapter Seven

Smirks and Jerks

Emily's P.O.V

Alpha Keenan sat at the head of the table to the left of me and Alpha Ronan sat at the head of the table to the right. Every other pack across the nation was represented at the table by their Alpha and Luna. Each pack's Beta was also present but they did not sit instead they lined the walls of the oversized conference room looming over us.

I took a deep breath and remind myself that I am in charge here. As Alpha Ronan sits the Alphas of the nation take their seats as well. I easily recognize Alpha Warren from the Golden Summit Pack with his Luna Melody, across from him sat Alpha Ryker of the Desert Star Pack, he was a nasty alpha with a reputation of his unforgiving cruelty, he is currently unmated.

"I call the meeting of the Alphas to order." Alpha Ronan States looking around the room at the numerous Alphas.

"Why exactly are we here?" Alpha Ryker snarled in my direction which casue Alpha Keenan to puff up and I swear I heard a low growl.

"We are here Ryker because of Emily, and because she is my second chance, she is my second chance mate." Alpha Keenan barked at Ryker in a demeaning tone.

I could hear an audible laugh to the right of me and I glance down at Alpha Ronan actually laughing at Alpha Keenan's statement.

"Correction Ryker, we are here because Emily is MY Mate, my destiny, and this fool of a man so clouded by his grief, which we all completely understand Keenan everyone mourns in their own way. But I should be able to have my mate, take her home to celebrate and make her the happiest woman alive. Because she is mine." Alpha Ronan growls in his direction obviously touchy on the subject, as we all are.

"What says the she-wolf?" Alpha Warren says looking in my direction with curiosity.

Oh shit, this is on me now.

"I say Alphas, that I have no part in this cruel game at play. It seems like fate has twisted our lives in directions we can not even begin to imagine." I state looking around at the Alphas I continue.

"I would first like to thank all of you for traveling so far on such short notice. It is an honor to be in your presence. What has happened will shape the future of all of us, and I am deeply sorry that my own love life has cause such upset and distain across the nation. Thinking of finding my mate used to be a magical notion, now I find myself lost and scared. For myself, for you all, and for both Alpha Keenan and Alpha Ronan. It's important to know that I recognize both Alphas as my mate and am caught in limbo here."

I look around the table at the approving alpha's looks and see that my statement truly resonated with many.

"What solutions can we come to without a fight?" Alpha Barnes asked the table.

I looked around as each Alpha seemed perplexed by the question.

"How about a duel between the alphas? Winner takes the girl" Alpha Ryker smirked at his idea and winked in my direction.

"How about I am not a prize to be won Alpha, and that severing the mate bond on one side such as would nearly kill me." I finish sneering right back at him, I could tell he didn't like the fact I could hold my own against him.

"She is right, loosing her mate would nearly kill her, her lack of a mark would help aid in her survival rate but going through the death of a mate drains the body, I would know." Alpha Keenan states looking sad down at his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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