You emerged from the water, punching his arm. "Lance McClain, what the hell!?" You yelled. He laughed and pulled you into his arms, kissing you again. "I️ hate you sometimes", you said.

"I️ love you too (l/n)."


You woke up with a jolt from your nightmare. Your face was sweaty and you felt your body was tense. Keith shifted in his sleep, signaling that he had not awoken yet.

It was 4:45 in the morning, and you had woken up after reliving the events of Ulaz's death. You touched your cheek and felt dried tears on your face, meaning you had been crying as well.

Not wanting to bother Keith with another nightmare, you tried getting up and leaving, but his arms were securely wrapped around your body. And that's when you woke the boy.

"(Y/n)? Why are you awake?" He asked, making eye contact with you. Not wanting him to see your face, you tried turning away. He stopped you again, moving to press his forehead against yours. "Please don't run away from this one. I️ can tell you're hurting."

Keith wiped the tears away from eyes, kissing your cheek. "Was it about the BOM again?" He asked. You nodded. He sighed and hugged you "I'll say it as many times as you want me to", he said, pulling you into his chest, "he loved you. He sacrificed himself like any parent would do because he loved you. And he's still here with us. Because you live on to remember him he's not gone, he's not forgotten like some of his fellow members. He died protecting the thing he loves most, and so would I️ if it came down to it."

You nodded at his words, hugging him tighter. He did the same before he felt your body relax and knew you'd fallen asleep. He gave a rare smile and kissed your forehead. "I️ love you."


Hunk awoke in the morning to find you weren't laying next to or on top of him. He sat up, sleepily looking around the room. He didn't see you, so he stood up and walked out of the room. He kept searching until he found you resting in the training room. Your face was red and sweat ran down your body, soaking into your shirt.

"Hey", he said. You looked over at him. "Hey", you responded, taking another swig of your water. He sat down next to you. "I️s it a big thing or...?"

"Just a small nightmare. It was kinda stupid, me being chased by some weird force. I️ don't really understand it, it just scared me a bit. I️ don't remember much now but I️ didn't want to wake you."

He nodded. "If you need to talk I'm here", he said. You nodded. You stood up, wiping the sweat from your forehead. "Go get cleaned up", he said, kissing your nose, "I'll got wake everyone else up and we'll all have fruit salad."


You woke up in the middle of the night to heard typing on a computer. You sat up in bed, looking at Pidge who was typing furiously on his computer. "Pidge?" You mumbled, trying to call out to her. She turned and sighed. "Sorry. I️ didn't mean to wake you up. I️ just can't sleep", she said, closing her computer. She returned to bed and you pulled her into a hug. "Nightmares about your dad?" You asked. She nodded.

"I️ still have bad dreams about Altea, but I️ know it's hard. You still have a chance to find him, and Matt is helping as much as he can. It'll take time, but I️ know you'll find him."

Pidge smiled at those words and kissed your cheek. "Thank you (y/n)", she mumbled before finally falling asleep.


Allura had another vivid nightmare about Zarkon, and when she tried getting out of bed to calm her mind, she had kicked you in the process. "Ow!" You yelled, sitting up quickly after that rude awakening.

Allura sat back down on the bed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kick you love."

"It's okay", you responded. She sighed. "I️ was going to try and clear my mind from these nightmares about Zarkon and Lotor, and to try and find some way to cope, but I️ guess I️ woke you up."

You scooted closer to her and wrapped your arms around her body to hug her. "I'm sorry these keep occurring, but you must tell me when they happen, or else I️ can't help you. Please promise me-"

"But you can't do anything to make them go away", she said, "you can't go into my mind and erase those horrible things from my head."

You nodded. "I️ know I️ can't, but I️ can still comfort you and tell you how far we've come. I️ love you Allura, and I️ hope you feel the same to me, but you must share your feelings with me."

She leaned her head into your embrace, feeling at peace with you. "I️ will. I️ love you too."


You woke up with a jolt, and tried immediately prying out of Lotor's grip. He woke up immediately to movement and small sniffles from you. He looked down and saw your face red with heavy tears streaming down your face.

"My Love are you alright?" He asked. You nodded, pushing away from him to try and leave so he wouldn't ask more questions. He held onto you still, not breaking his hold.

"No you are not. Please explain to me what has happened or plagued your dreams tonight", he said, pulling you closer. You stopped struggling and he moved a hand to your chin to make you look up at him.

"I️ just had a dream about Voltron and then destroying us", you said, "that they would give us no mercy, and-"

"You needn't to worry about such a thing", he quickly responded, "while I️ still live in this universe, I️ will continue to protect you with every fiber in my being."

You looked away from him, but he kept his eyes on yours. "Please look at me."

Your eyes moved to his and he gave you a half smile. "I️ love you and there is nothing that could ever bring us apart."

You nodded before he pulled you into a kiss, a hasty one might I️ add. He finally pulled away to see you out of breath, your breathing pattern scattered.

"I️ love you too."


Matt knew something was wrong when he didn't wake up to your cute sleeping face in bed today. He threw the covers off and put on his normal clothes, exiting the room with his cloak in his hands, knowing the article of clothing comforted you.

He found you huddled in a ball in the infirmary, you waiting next to a small computer. "Hey, What are you doing?" He asked softly. You looked up at him. "I'm googling on the universe net what's wrong with me", you replied, huddling again and watching the screen load.

Matt let out a sigh and sat down next to you, pulling you into his lap. "There's nothing wrong with you babe", he said, wrapping his arms around you smaller body. He pressed you against his chest, letting you lean against him. "But why do I️ keep having the same nightmares about you and I️?"

"I️ don't know. I️ can't answer that. But-", he stopped, closing the computer and draping the cloak over the both of you, "neither can this thing. You're perfect in my eyes and there is nothing in the universe that can change that."

You smiled softly as you felt his lips against the top of your head. "I️ love you so much. If something is wrong or you want to know something, you can ask me okay?" He said. You nodded, hugging him again.

"I️ love you too Matt."

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