Chapter 57- expose

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The next morning you sat up in bed, you realized you had a party to plan for Jack, as he was almost a year old. Amongst all this drama it was hard to be able to plan stuff but you knew you had to. Being married to a criminal was so hard at times, recently you started thinking about that more due to all the shit that had been happening. 
"If you hadn't have met J, we wouldn't even be here."  You groaned as the voices in your head piped up as you tried your best to ignore their harsh words. They sounded so real, so audible as if they were right behind you, whispering harsh words into your ear. You sometimes wondered what life would be like without J, but you didn't like thinking about that, it wasn't something you wanted, you loved J. You looked down at your sleeping husband, you thought to yourself about how he suffered from the same thing you did, the dreaded voices. You wondered how it was for him, the voices weren't so bad for you but, you knew they were pretty bad for J. You soon decided it was  time to leave the warm cosy bed, leaving J's warmth was difficult to do but you slid your legs over the side of the bed and hopped out, making your way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As you removed your clothing and got in the shower you started to think about Jack's birthday party. Of course, since he was a baby he didn't really have friends and having a father that's a criminal doesn't make it any better. You washed your hair, leaning your head back as you washed the shampoo out.
"Well, I could host his party at my mom's house. But what about Bruce and (Y/S/N), they can't be there at the same time as J" You groaned in frustration as you thought about all the stuff that wouldn't be possible due to all the complications that had happened just recently. You shut off the shower, grabbing your towel to dry yourself off. You stepped out, a towel wrapped around your body snuggly as you walked out into your room. 
"Ugh, why does this have to be so complicated." You grumbled slightly as you made your way into the walk-in-closet, getting dressed. After getting dressed, you walked out, picking up Jack as he smiled at you.
"Hello, my little angel." Jack babbled as you greeted him. He smiled at you brightly. You smiled back at him as you pecked his rosy cheeks, making him giggle. J rolled over, he was now awake and looking over at you both.
"Goodmorning, babe." He grumbled slightly as he rolled over once more, making his way out of bed to greet you and Jack. He walked over groggily, giving you and Jack a kiss on the head.

"It's so hard planning Jack's birthday party" You groaned as he gave you a hug.

"And why is that, honey?" he asked, looking at you.
"Well, for starters I can't have it with Bruce and (Y/S/N) there, it would be awkward and just, ugh, I don't know. I wish none of that stuff would never have happened." You groaned out, again, clearly frustrated with the events that had played out within the last couple of days.
"We'll figure it out, and I mean like... If you want me to dispose of..." He trailed off, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as they curled up slightly. You punched his shoulder playfully as you laughed

"No, we're not killing my sister." You laughed as he chuckled and kissed your forehead. 

"the offer is out there still." He grinned as he snickered to himself.
"J!" You laughed "We aren't killing her. She says anything I expose her and Bruce, that's all." You smile at him 

"If she says absolutely anything to anyone, she'll be more than exposed." J spoke under his breath, a look of madness gleaming in his eyes.

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