If You're Not -

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Last night I called my midwife, Ginny, and talked with her about the exhaustion and discomfort I've been feeling. She came over to examine me and gave us some news that we are still trying to digest. She found a second heartbeat.

I am just two months away from my due date and she found a second heartbeat.

We are having twins.

Hearing the news, I went from laughing to crying to laughing again. And of course, Tavish was beside himself with joy.

Early this morning we went to Ginny's birthing center for an ultrasound. We are having a girl and a boy. Per Ginny's orders, I will rest today, which means my shopping trip is off, but since we will now be buying for two, I'll just order everything online.

Two babies. I am still trying to wrap my head around it. I suddenly feel inadequate, and I hope I can handle everything. Tavish assures me that he will always be there to help. I am even more grateful now that he works from home.

Tavish enters the family room with a glass of ice water and my laptop. He places the water on the table and hands me the computer before sitting next to me on the sofa and draping my legs over his lap.

“Ready ta shop?” he asks.

I smile, drawing on our mutual joy, pushing away any and all negativity. I can handle this. I can handle anything. “I'm always ready to shop.”

I won't worry anymore. I will simply concentrate on being ready for motherhood. These babies are a blessing and a gift. I silently thank God for them and have faith that all will be well.

* * *


After quickly eating breakfast, Audrey and Evan get an early start on sightseeing.

Because Evan knows how much Audrey enjoys exploring old church's, cathedrals and castles, they start at Dunstaffnage Castle and Chapel. Once the stronghold of Clan MacDougall, the castle sits on the edge of the loch. It was captured by Robert the Bruce in 1309 and remained in his possession for several years. The castle was used to fight off Vikings and the massive curtain wall is one of the oldest standing castle remains in Scotland. The chapel is tucked away amongst the trees, part of it having been converted to a family graveyard.

The castle stairs are a little difficult to walk up and Evan holds tightly to Audrey's hand. When they reach the top, Audrey decides the climb was worth it because the view is spectacular.

“This is incredible!” she says, looking out over the green valley.

“I knew ye would love it.”

“Oh, I do.”

“You have a thing for castles. I knew the moment ye laid eyes on Inveraray Castle.”

“There's just something so alluring about them. Like many little girls, I used to dream that I would one day be swept up by a handsome prince and taken to his castle to live.”

Evan's smile is thoughtful as he stands next to her, taking in the view. “Well, I'm no prince and the home I offer ye is no palace, but if 'twere in my power, I would give ye a grand palace.”

Hearing the grave tone of his voice, Audrey touches his arm, drawing forth a smile. “I know, but your home is lovely, and it's enough for me.”

Our home,” he says, covering her hand.

She smiles again. “Our home.”

They visit the small information room with a model of the castle built the way it once was. Audrey asks plenty of questions, getting a history lesson to add to her growing Scottish knowledge. She thoroughly enjoys the visit.

If You're Not the One - A Highland Romance Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now