If You're Not -

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One Week Later

Audrey and Evan quietly marry in our backyard. The only guests attending are me, Tavish, Ian MacGregor, and a few other close friends that have gotten to know Audrey. Though Evan knows many people in Inveraray, his inner circle is small. How grateful I am that we are included in that circle.

Evan is a handsome groom in a wedding kilt made of the Mackenzie Clan tartan. Audrey is beautiful in a cream-colored, formal maternity dress we found in Glasgow.

The two speak their vows, exchange rings, and are pronounced husband and wife. Then Evan draws her close and kisses her. I smile at the expression on Audrey's face as their lips part. I'm guessing Evan's kiss affected her a lot more than she'd expected it to.

Good for you, Evan!

We have a light lunch before the newlyweds leave for Oban for a week. Since Tavish and I are the only ones aware of the circumstances of their marriage, everyone else assumes it will be a typical honeymoon. I keep hoping something will happen to change that, that Audrey's heart will open enough to embrace the moments of closeness and allow intimacy to happen. In any event, they are married now and that is what's important.

Before they left, Audrey told me she is going to wait until she returns to call Mama and Yvonne. I am sure they will be very disappointed because they have now missed two marriages.

The house is empty now, the last guest leaving a few minutes ago. Standing in the middle of the guestroom, I become lost in thought. All of Audrey's things have been moved to her new home so the room is back to normal. I will miss having my sister with us, but I am happy she and Evan are married and grateful we have our privacy again. Not that her staying with us had been a problem at all. I'm just happy about the way things have worked out.

After we finish putting the food away (we sent a fair amount of it with Audrey and Evan) Tavish suggests that we take a walk. We head down to the shore. Lacing his fingers through mine, we casually stroll along the loch and recap the morning, as well as speculate about the future. It is the first week of August and the weather is humid and very warm, but the temperatures are a lot milder than the scorching heat I was used to during August in Utah.

“How are you feeling?” Tavish asks me.


He laughs, kissing my hand. “Ye're lovely.”

“Thank you.” I squeeze his hand in return. “I'm glad ye love me regardless of my size.”

“Always, love.”

Gazing at his profile as he looks ahead and taking in his smiling expression, I again count myself the luckiest woman in the world. Tavish is an amazing husband. I want for nothing, and if it is in his power to give, he gives it. He loves with all that he is and holds nothing back. Every day and moment with him is a joy, and I never tire of being near him.

I stop for a moment and flex my left leg. The prosthetic foot is rubbing a little, probably from standing so much today, especially with the extra weight of the pregnancy. Tavish's concern is immediate. It always is when it comes to my discomfort in any way.

“Is it bothering ye, love?”

“A little. I think I'm just a little tired.”

“You've been exhausted a lot lately. Let's head back,” he says, turning us around. He wraps an arm around my waist, drawing me against his side. “I'll rub it for ye and you can nap for a while.”

I smile. “Thanks for always takin' care of me.”

“Ye're welcome.”

* * *


The small resort town of Oban is known as the seafood capital of Scotland. It is beautiful and Audrey falls in love with it immediately. Evan told her he spent a lot of time there as a boy, watching the fishing boats come in to unload their daily catch, and it was a special place for him. That is why he wanted to bring her there. He is looking forward to showing her around.

The small lochside rental home they will be staying in is charming and cozy. The interior is light and airy with a country Scottish feel. There are two large, tastefully decorated bedrooms, each with a private bathroom.

Standing in the hallway, Evan asks, “Which room would you like?” His smile is easy, but Audrey can see him working hard to mask the longing he carries inside. She has come to know him that well.

“I'll take this one, if it's okay,” she answers, gesturing to the one on the right. It has a beautiful view of the lake.

“'Tis verra okay. I thought ye would want that one because of the view.” He places her bag on the bed. “Are ye tired? You can rest up a bit if you are.”

“I'm okay. I'll just take a moment to put my things away. I would love to sit out on the deck.”

“Sounds good. I'll leave ye to it and go and put the food away. I'll meet you outside.” He smiles and leaves her to unpack.

Audrey puts her clothes in the dresser drawers and places her cosmetic and toiletry case on the bathroom counter.

Sitting on the bed, Audrey contemplates that she is now Mrs. Evan Mackenzie. She had never planned to marry again. It hadn't been in the cards for her and she had accepted that. But it seems fate had another deck stashed away and chose to deal the hand when she'd least expected it. The long ago faded dream of having a family of her own has now been granted. But she always assumed love would be what brought it to her.

Still, as she ponders her situation, she realizes there are far worse things than marrying a friend. Shaking off these thoughts, she heads out to join Evan on the deck. She finds him staring out over the loch. When she approaches, he smiles and slides over on the cushioned bench, making room for her.

For a while they don't speak, they simply soak in the soothing sound of the water lapping against the shore. Evan's arm is draped across the back of the bench, his warmth brushing against her. Audrey glances at his profile. He looks relaxed and happy. She wonders how he can be happy marrying a woman who doesn't love him. She also wonders how long he will be content with things the way they are between them. Closing her eyes, she shakes her head slightly, dislodging the thought. She won't allow herself to dwell on it now.

“Thank you, Evan. It was a lovely wedding.”

He turns to her. “No need ta thank me, lass. I should be thanking you for marrying me. Thank you for bein' my wife. You've made me verra happy.” He reaches for her hand.

Choosing not to doubt his feelings, Audrey laces her fingers through his. It is an intimate gesture, but she takes comfort in knowing that he won't ask for more. And thinking back on the way his kiss had affected her, she wonders if she would even be able to stop herself from giving in to physical intimacy if he pushed it.

But she doesn't want that. At least not right now.

* * *


A deep sense of contentment washes over Evan as he and Audrey hold hands and take this moment to just be. She is his now and he takes comfort in that knowledge. Yes, he wants a complete marriage and desires to share every intimacy with her, but he will not break his word by trying to push her into something she isn't ready for. He will simply love her and be patient. When she is finally ready for the next step, she will let him know.

By choice, Evan has not been with a woman in years. He had grown to want more than physical pleasure, but he had never really desired to have something deeper with anyone until Audrey. Simply put, he has come to love Audrey more than anything. And marrying her–even if it's just in name only–was worth it.

She is worth the wait.

If You're Not the One - A Highland Romance Book Twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن