Author's Note

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Hello all ❤️

Hope all is well with you. Unfortunately, life isn't exactly going so well for me. I'm taking this one class this semester that is literally sucking the life out of me and making me depressed, stressed, and just generally unhappy. It's unfortunately mandatory. Until I have a week off or something like that, I'm basically suffocating myself with work and doing really shitty assignments that slave drive me. I have to pass this class or else internships won't take me seriously, I won't get paid, and I won't be able to move forward in my schoolwork because everything is basically hinged on me passing. I've never viewed a C as something to strive for, but here I am praying I can get a 70.0.

I've tried to write in my free time, but these days I rarely have free time, let alone time to sleep or properly eat. My mood has been all over and I've really just been messed up. I know I'm not acting like myself, and I can tell in the ideas that I have or lack thereof that I'm really just off. It's not really contributed to any good work being made, resulting in no update for over a month. It doesn't help when this class is making me think my writing is utter shit. My best work in that class gets me a C or D to start, and then errors give me horrid grades afterward. It makes me wonder the point of writing sometimes when someone always is out there picking out its flaws and not giving it a chance, you know?

Basically, until I have free time, genuine free time, ABDLM is on hiatus. If anything I'll for sure start it up again after I'm done with this class, because I'll be damned if this class takes away what I love doing, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to update until then. So, I ask you bear with me and keep my little story in mind. I love you all so much and your support for it has made me so happy. I miss it. I hope to bring it back. I promise I will try soon.

Much love,
Laurel xx

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