• Chapter 18 • The truth came out •

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It had been a couple days since the whole Clay and Opie incident. Clay has stepped down and I'm not going to lie, I think Jax had something to do with it but I can't go pointing fingers.

Me and Juice have finally found a house, it's near Indian Hills which means we're going to have to transfer charters but everyone loves me and of course, I'm Jax Tellers Sister.

Me and Juice were currently packing boxes away while my mom looked after Jaime.

"Do you not think Nevada's a bit far?" Juice asked as he put a bit of tape across one of the boxes. "Well yeah, of course I do but I want us to have a home of our own. I want Jaime to have her own room and we're still gonna be part of the Sons, just another Charter" I said to him as I placed one of my tops into a box. "I know but your family is here" He replied and I sighed. "And you're my family too, we're gonna be coming back down to charming every 2/3 weeks anyway so it's not like we're never going to see them" I told him and he nodded in reply. "I guess so" Juice said quietly and started packing another box.


I rode into the TM lot and parked my bike beside the rest. Outside Chibs and Opie were having a smoke and I thought I'd join them.

"Clays bikes here?" I raised an eyebrow as I reached into my cut pocket for my packet of smokes. "Yeah, he's back" Opie said annoyed and took a puff. "Whoa whoa whoa, why are you annoyed he's back?" Chibs asked Opie. Nobody knew that clay had killed Piney apart from me, Jax and Opie.

"Clays a selfish coward, he treats Kayla like a piece of shit, treats Jax like a piece of shit and especially Gemma" Opie basically growled as he stared at Clays bike. "That's very true" Chibs states and stubbed his smoke out, heading into the clubhouse.

"Clay needs to die" Opie said as I sat on the bench beside him. "I know but Jax isn't letting us , there has to be a good enough reason for him to stop us" I said and took a puff, inhaling the smoke slowly. "And if i find out what that reason is, and if it's not good enough....Clays getting a bullet to the head" Opie said and finished his cigarette, throwing it into a puddle that had formed across from us.

Shortly after Opie had finished his cigarette I had finished mine so put it out in the ashtray and headed into the clubhouse.

The atmosphere was awkward with Clay around. I saw him sitting at the bar with a small glass of whiskey in his hand, twirling it about. He was on an oxygen tank and all I could think about was how much he deserved it.

"Hey darling" My mom came over to me, with Jaime in her hands and gave me a hug. "Hey, mom, hello gorgeous. Why's it so tense in here" I asked my mom as we sat down on one of the sofas. "Clays been trying to stir up shit, it's like he went crazy when he was in hospital" She whispered to me, making sure Clay couldn't here us. I nodded to show her I understood and sighed.

"Well, I'm gonna go to the dorm and get some of my things I've left so me and Juice can pack them away" I said, standing up after giving Jaime a kiss on the forehead.

"Okay, darling, but I think Jax is in there...He didn't get a good nights sleep last night" My mom told me and I nodded in reply, walking to the dorm.

My mom was right and when I opened the door, Jax was lying face up, snoring. "Classy" I whispered to myself and shut the door quietly, making sure not to wake the dead.

I picked everything of mine up and then forgot I hadn't checked under the bed. I placed my things on the edge of the bed and got on all fours. Waiting for the dirty minded people. I bent down and looked under the bed but all I could see was a pile of paper.

Me being the nosey person I am brought them out and my eyes widened. "Letters to Maureen Ashby, this is what Piney was blackmailing Clay with" I whispered to myself, eyes widening.

"Jax, wake up!" I exclaimed to Jax and shook him. "What" He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. "These are the letters" I said and showed him the pile of letters that were in my hand. "What!" He shouted in a whisper.

Me and Jax sat for an hour reading some of the letters and what we found out was heartbreaking.

Me and Jax had the letters in our hands and we were confronting clay. "His death wasn't an accident" Jax shouted at clay as soon as he was in sight. "What are you talking about" My mom shouted over. "Clay. He killed our dad" I said back and everyone gasped, turning around.

"These letters say he knew it was coming. He nearly died once and he even said that he knew Clay would try kill him. J.T said that clay might try and kill him by messing with his bike. J.T only trusted Lowell to work on his bike and then his bike drove into a truck, Clay messed with his bike and J.T knew he would" I said and slammed the letters down on the bar beside clay.

"That's a bunch of nonsense" Clay exclaimed, putting his glass of whiskey down on the bar. "Piney found these letters, He threatened clay with them and then what happened? Piney was killed by the club president" Jax said angrily, his nostrils flaring in frustration.

"You're liars" Clay shouted, looking me and Jax in the eye. "My dad was meant to have a meeting with the kings to get us out of guns! He was killed before that meeting happened. J.T was gonna try everything to get the gunrunning business away from the club but you didn't want that. You wanted the gunrunning and that president patch" I shouted as everyone stared.

"He wasn't even your father so don't start Kayla!" Clay exclaimed and I looked at him with confusion. "Well then, who is?" I asked, shouting at Clay as he sat at the bar. "Jax, is your father! And Tara is your mother" He lowered his voice. "What" I said quietly as Tara stood up. "You had no right telling her" She shouted at clay. "If it wasn't me then who was gonna tell her?" Clay asked as he picked his glass up again.

"Is this true?" I asked Jax as he twiddled his thumbs together. "Kayla" He said softly as I could feel tears rushing to my eyes. "I'm 18, you should've told me before now!" I exclaimed as Jax and Tara sighed.

"Let me tell you what happened" Tara said, walking towards me. "I've had enough, me and Juice are moving and we're not coming back" I said and walked towards the door of the clubhouse. "Follow me and I swear to god" I shouted back at the club, slamming the door shut on my way out.

Sooo Plot twist! 2 more chapters after this!! What do you think will happen. -T x

The Daughter of the Sons • Sons of Anarchy Fan Fiction • Completed Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant