• Chapter 1 • Drunk Love •

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"You can come back now" Jax, my big brother, tells me down the phone. "You're out?!" I question in excitement. "Of course I am, meet us at the clubhouse darling" He replies and we hang up.

I had been sent up to the cabin for 9 months until some heat within the club had died down. Jax, Chibs and Tig had been in jail for the past 7 of them, their lawyers won their case and they'd been released and apparently so had I.

While I had been on my long trip away, Juice had been coming up to the cabin and checking on me etc. After 9 months of seeing each other everyday and having nothing else to do we got to know each other very well.

I got my bags and put them in the van. "You got everything?" Juice asked me. "Yep, wait a minute I've not got my gun" I replied and quickly ran inside. "The doors lo-" Juice got cut off as I ran into the door, we laughed and he threw me the keys.

I put my gun and slid it into my holder. "Let's go" I shout to Juice. I hop onto my bike and he starts the van engine and we ride back to the town of Charming.

We pulled up to the Clubhouse and I parked my bike, turning off the engine. I got off and as soon as my other leg hit the ground my Nephew, Abel, had already jumped onto me. "Auntie Kayla" He shouted and I hugged him back, lifting him up. "How's my little munchkin" I say, holding him on my hip. "I'm good, can we go wait for daddy" Abel asked me, smiling in the process. "Of course" I replied and popped him down. He put his little hand in mine and we walked down to the sitting area outside the club house. Abel jumped on top of the bench and started colouring in a picture.

It had been about 30 minutes since I had been back and still no sign of Jax. "Try phone Jax" I said to Bobby and he nodded. As soon as he lifted the phone up to his ear we could hear motorcycles coming towards the clubhouse area. Happy opened the gates and in came Tig, Chibs and Jax on their bikes while Clay followed in the van behind them.

"Jax!" I shouted and ran over to him, giving him a cuddle. "Well this makes a difference from your long, disgusting hair" I laughed while moving my hand around his short hair. "the long hair got the girls" He replied, hugging me back. "Sure it did" I said sarcastically and we let each other go. The guys hugged everyone and got welcomed back to their home.

A few hours had passed and the sun had went down. We were all sat outside the clubhouse having a welcome back party for the guys and me. The music was on and there was guys having a little punch throwing contest in the ring. "My moneys on Tig" I say to Happy, taking a swig of my beer. "Yeah, Juice isn't much of a fighting type is he" He replied and we laughed. The atmosphere was good and there was no worries about.

"Ah, shit" I said, rolling my eyes. "I'll be back in a minute, I've left my cigs in the clubhouse" I say to Opie and Jax as we were having a conversation about getting new bikes.

I take a little stroll into the clubhouse and notice Juice leaning down, head in the fridge looking for something to drink. "Everything's outside Juice" I laugh and pick up my smokes which I had left on the bar. "Oh, I knew that" He laughed too, standing up while kicking the fridge door shut. "Hey, that has feelings too" I sarcastically say and he chuckles. Juice comes closer, the bar separating us. "You're something else, Kayls" Juice says, taking a cig out my packet. I nod in reply. "And you better remember that" I say and walk back out, my heels making tapping noises as I strut. Kayla's outfit is pictured above.

"Everyone's asleep, I'm gonna go to bed.....you should do the same" Jax smiles at me and puts his smoke out in the ashtray. "I will, I'm gonna have a cig first and then I'll head to bed" I reply and he nods, walking off back into the clubhouse. It was 2am and everyone was passed out or had gone home. The only ones left were me and Juice. At this point I was drunk and so was Juice.

"Take me to bed?" I quietly ask juice as he finishes his glass of whiskey and he nods. "Of course princess Kayls" Juice says and reaches out his hand. "Oh aren't you a gentlemen" We chuckle and stand up. "Oops" I laugh as I stumble over my heels. "Here" Juice said and picks me up, bridal style. "As I said, gentleman" I whisper into his ear and we make our way inside the clubhouse.

He quietly walks to what was Jax's old room and he carefully places me onto the bed. Juice takes my heels off and puts them beside the bed neatly. "Night" He smiles and walks towards the door. "No, stay....please" I pout and he turns around. "Why can't I ever say no to you" Juice says, a grin rising onto his face. I pat the empty bit of bed beside me. He takes his cut (I know the proper term is Kutte) off and throws it carelessly onto the floor. Juice lays beside me and inch by inch moves closer till there's no gap between our bodies.

We lay for what felt like an hour but in reality was 2 minutes and as I was about to close my eyes he kissed me. Our kiss continued and next thing I knew we were both stripped naked, well one thing lead to another and I think you know what happens next.

I woke up and could hear the shower running. The birds were singing outside and music was already playing from inside the clubhouse. I groan and roll over to where my phone was. "9:30" I say and place my phone down. The shower turned off and the door unlocked. Out came Juice with a towel wrapped around the lower part of his body. "Morning" He said and I just smiled. "Not again" I say and I realised I was half naked. "What?" Juice questions and sits down at the end of the bed, looking straight at me. "What do you think? We done it....again" I said and he put his head down and chuckled a little. "Get up and dressed before someone comes through and kicks your little brown ass" I say and laugh.

"Water and Painkillers, please?" Tig says, head on the table. "Yeah, I'll take some too please Halfsack" I shout over and sit down beside Bobby at the bar. "God the smell of alcohol is gonna make me vomit" I screw my face up and put my head in my hands. "Good night last night?" Bobby asks and chuckles, taking a gulp of his coffee. "I don't know, can't remember half of it" we laugh, of course I remembered the part about me and Juice but he didn't need to know....no one did.

I hope you liked this! Of course it as a bit boring but it will get better as the story goes on :) I'm not the best at making story covers either so if anyone is good then please direct message me on Instagram! @tylasoulsby_ , thank you!! :))

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