Chapter Twelve

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I felt like a stone the whole time I sat there. All the while that I was scared that this moment wouldn't arrive, even while I was speaking with him,I didn't actually believe it would happen. I didn't believe the guy who understood me in a way other people never possibly could, who didn't need words to explain him what I was feeling would leave me just like that without even saying a word of kindness to me in return.

Maybe I had been hasty. People don't go off marrying other people they know for a few months. Maybe it was a mirage that I was holding on to but was bound to disappear as you crossed that path.

I just silently returned to my room that night without saying a word to anyone, appearing polite to anyone who saw me. I just kept on thinking whether all of this effort was even worth it. I didn't expect him to be such a chauvinist to just run off when a woman wants something off her own. Or maybe he ran away because I met Mayank. But he too has exes and knows I won't mind if he went to meet any of them. Such a hypocrite. Whatever he was, I didn't know what to make of it since he didn't even say anything!Ugh!

The next day I got up with an ache in my heart. But I had to paint a smile the moment I got up since my cousins had come up to my room to wake me up. How exhausting and frustrating it is to act happy when you're really miserable from inside!

Everyone was preparing to leave for the wedding hall since other functions were to be held there. Bags were being packed,clothes and jewelry were being discussed, all with so much enthusiasm and I could barely get up from bed.

We finally arrived at the wedding hall located at the outskirts of the city, surrounded by hills that appeared lush green after the rains. The trees danced with the wind producing a low hum of the leaves. Above was a clear blue sky, a sight hard to spot in a city like Bangalore and below was the whole city and vehicles like termites teeming around.

The wedding hall was spectacular, having a beautiful sloped garden with an enchanting fountain centrally placed on the outside. The main hall was cladded with beautiful flowers of all kinds and different sorts of lights. There was a centrally placed magnificent canopy below which we were to be married.

I was completely enamored by the beauty of it, as it all looked like how I'd dreamed of it. But it still was a prick to my heart, given the horrible circumstances.

In the afternoon we just had a meal as the function was in the evening. It was the first time the whole family of the bride and the groom had gathered together and while it was quite fun for all of them, it wasn't so for me.

I came down from my room after putting my belongings for the lunch and saw him on the opposite side, standing with his friends. He didn't even as much as acknowledge me. Here I was used to being the centre of his attention and now I was being just ignored.

Nina asked me what the matter was with me but I didn't want to tell her cause I didn't want to hear a 'I told you so'. I just silently had my meal and went upstairs.

His rash behavior made me think if all this was event worth putting up with. Cause in the end if he didn't understand the kind of person I was then did all this really matter?

Also, I knew I had to make something out of myself in life, without which I didn't think I could really be happy. My guts told me that I had to make a decision. But I'd rather contemplate than make one.

It was about four pm about an hour before the lady who'd do my makeup was going to arrive, that there was a knock on my door. Roopa, Rithvik's elder brothers wife asked me if I needed something and an idea occurred to me so I invited her in.

I kind of rambled to her about stuff in general before I finally asked her what I intended to, "So how's marriage been for you Roopa?"

Roopa said, "Its been quite good.Yes it was quite difficult in the beginning, you've seen how our dear mother in law is a peace of work. But then I learned how to hold my own against her in a year or two. Besides Dinesh always supported me whenever he thought that she was wrong."

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