Chapter 1

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Eren's pov:

I look over to Mikasa, she is sitting next to the kitchen table with a modest gray dress on. It covers all of her chest,halfway down her arm, and right down to her ankles. She was wearing grey shoes, and her hair had been cut to it shoulder length for today.

Today was the day of the aptitude test, today we would find out where we belonged:

Abnegation, the selfless (my current home)

Amity, the peaceful

Candor, the honest

Erudite, the intelligent

Or Dauntless, the brave

I look down at myself, I'm wearing a gray shirt that coverers all of my arms and gray pants.

I hear the door to the house knock

"I'll be right there" I say walking towards the door

"Hello Eren" Armin, my best friend said politely and offered a handshake. I clasped my hand around his and shook it.

'Common curtesy for two friends to greet with a hand shake' my mom had told me once. I always listened to my mom, she had taught me alot of life lessons.

"Are you ready to walk to school?" Armin asked releasing from the handshake

"Yes I am" I say "Mikasa are you ready?"

"Yes I am brother" she says and stands up from her chair and walks towards the door.

We walk down the street until we reach the bus stop. School was near the center of the city, whilst Mikasa, Armin and I live in the suburbs.

The reason we are getting the bus, is that each faction usually goes to school within its' own limits. Abnegation school in Abnegation, the others are like that as well. Today we have to go to the city for the aptitude test.

The bus arrives at the stop and only us three get on. We find and empty row of seats and sit down there.

There's already Amity on the bus, seventeen to be exact, and as we reach the end of the Abnegation suburbs, there are fifteen Abnegation. I look over to the Amity kids, smiles sprawled across their faces, chatting to each other casually.

One boy stands out to me though, yet he is wearing the same smile the other Amity are, he sits alone, and doesn't talk to anyone. He has a mass of somewhat unruly black hair on his head and about a dozen freckles along the bridge of his nose.

I look away remembering an Abnegation rule: Do not pry at others, it reveals greed in yourself.

The bus comes to a sudden halt as a group of three candor kids, two boys and a girl, walk onto the bus with solemn faces. The girl, has bleach blond hair, pale skin and piercing blue eyes. The first boy was tall, he had to duck his head as he boarded the bus; he had soft black hair, a slight tan, and turquoise eyes. The third, looked muscly, if he wasn't wearing the black and white, I could of sworn he was from dauntless. He had shaggy blond hair and amber eyes.

When they walked past me, the girl glanced at me out of the corner of her eye, as if to say 'I knew you were watching me'. I shrink into my seat, as they find theirs. More Candor kids come on a different stops until there is about twenty of them. The bus is almost full when we reach the first Erudite stop. Armin stands up, out of his seat and offers it to an Erudite boy. Mikasa and I follow in suit order and give up our seats as well. A small girl places herself in my old place

"Thank-you." She smiles at me. She has blood hair that looks slightly like Armin's and deep blue eyes. I look at her shocked for a second 'no-one ever thanks an Abnegation' I think to myself

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