The Way Between Worlds.

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There was a deafening silence after that shot rang through the garage.  No one even know how any of them ended up here. Sam and Dean were talking in the kitchen; the next thing they knew, they were here. The words pained Dean more than he'd care to admit.   None of them ever stopped to ask if I wanted to go home. They never tried to find a way back for her.  Maybe we, maybe I, did have some blame in what happened, Dean considered. Everything happened so quickly.  There was barely enough time to see who was by their sides before it happened.  Time slowed down after that shot. At least it felt like that.  Then it happened.  Every ounce of self control my mother had was gone.  Dean managed to get to his feet and rush forward clumsily while trying to fully regain his footing. He feet skidded to a halt as he saw my mother bypass him.  She was in a devil's trap, but how did she manage to break free?

"How..." he began to say, but her hand gripped tightly on his jaw.

"You should know better than to have done any of this to my child.  Did you really think it was her that caused me to take my own life?  She was the only shred of light in that damned life I spent with you.  I regretted every day that I left her with you," her words seething with a venom that pierced deep into his soul. He had believed for so long it was his daughter's fault that he couldn't see the truth anymore. The man winced as she dug her nails into the skin of the body he currently resided in. "Those things you did.  The things you allowed to happen to her will be returned ten fold. You can trust me on that."

A smile broke across his face.  His laughed carelessly that he would have to pay for his transgressions.  His eyes fueled with as much rage as hers.  No one could even think to interfere.  Free from the devil's trap, Crowley freed Sam and Dean of the bindings on their hands.

"It'd be best if we leave now, boys," he suggested, "things may get violent to say the least."

"But..."  Dean began, staring with a reserved stare on the direction of where my body lay.

Crowley gave a snap of his fingers and the three of them were gone. Dean was ready to protest before he realized they were standing in one of the empty rooms.  My body was motionless on the bed.  An empty stare fixated straight ahead.  There was never a chance for fear, or shock to set in.

"Sam," Dean said grievously, "please find Cas.  He can fix this."

"Yeah, I'll be back."

Sam motioned for Crowley to follow.  If left alone with Dean the king of hell may surely say something heartless enough to set him off. The door closed as Dean sat on the edge of the bed. His hand reached toward my body. He uttered only a single sentence before losing his composure.

"I can't lose you, too.  I've lost too many people.  And I don't even know how-  without you, I-" His voice stopped completely.  "I don't even know anymore."
I found myself on the ground in a spare room.  Was that some sort of bad dream?  My head throbbed, but the pain felt like it was spreading down my neck.  Apparently I must have fallen off the bed.  My hands reached toward the sides of my face.  My fingertips gently massaging my temples.  The underlying muscles seemed much more tense than normal.  I looked around the room.  Dean was sitting on the bed.  Had we been fighting again?  He hadn't noticed me on the ground.  Maybe he thought I was under the covers.  I turned my head away.  It was just a dream, right?  Now I was wondering if I had been too harsh with him.  There was a heaviness in my heart that wasn't there before.  I dug my teeth into my bottom lip.  My hands hit the floor resting beneath my back.  I pushed myself to my feet.  A dizziness washed over me as I stood up.

"Dean, we should talk...." my voice trailed off.  Both hands covered my mouth.  I looked around the room.  What the hell was going on? My hand reached forward, but passed through Dean's shoulder that I reached for. My body stumbled forward as I examined my now ethereal figure. "What's going on?"

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