Part 21: Barmy Man O' War

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It has nearly been a week spent on the island of Bermuda.

And is nearly been a mere couple of days after Edward and Mary confessed their love for one another on that precious night.

The pair were now lovers, only with Ade as a witness, however, it really wouldn't take too long until the rest of the gang found out.

Mary told Edward about everything about what she found on board the Captain's cabin of the HMS Bristol.

From the letters detailing Commodore Horatio along with the orders of the HMS Prince, and it's Captain, James Wilford.

For Edward, that name rang no bells in his mind, as he's never heard of the man.

The Commodore however, he had heard several times between the banter of the officers back when he was a privateer for the navy.

He was now fully aware of the situation laid upon them. That the HMS Prince was also hunting for them.

The Captain now needed to be extra cautious when traveling the seas.

As to why they would send a Man O' War after them was beyond him.

Maybe the Jackdaw was just too good, and they sent another good ship after it.

Mary also gave him the sword she stole onboard the Bristol, in which Edward appreciated the gift.

For a returning gift because of it, Edward gave her a kiss.

"Wow, Mary, this is a rather sleek blade you've found, thank you," He says to her, smiling.

"Tosh," She blushes, "It's no problem," Mary replies.

"And now, it's time for your prize, my lady..." Edward says, going up to Mary to a closer distance.

"And what will that be?"

"A kiss," Edward tells, wrapping her arms around her, "For you..."

The pair lock lips, behind them, the whole officer crew of the Jackdaw, Boyle, Briggs, and Wong, all three just watch wide open as they see the Captain and a person they previously thought was a man, kissing.

God! They were lovers!

But then they all turn to face one another, and smiles began to pop up on all three as they discussed a little fun plan.

They are going to sing a song to Captain Kenway, just for a little sailors fun.

The trio walk up to the pair, in which, they get Adewale to join as well. The couple noticed them, turning to face the officers, and stopped locking lips.

In which, Wong, Briggs, Boyle, and Ade all sang, with tenor and baritone blending in, curving their arms in a cheery manner.

The song sounded jolly.

Oh Captain! Oh Captain! Oh do it please!

As I unbutton my trousers and you give me a squeeze!

Harder and harder as we might get!

At least you gave me a good job getting me wet!

Edward and Mary glanced to one another, then turned back to the balladeers.

Mary pops out laughing hysterically, putting her hand over her mouth, as it was probably the best thing she's heard in a long time.

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