Part 5: Loose Ends

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Edward arches a brow, "What business?"

James was now looking much more serious. He began crossing his arms, and his look was rather dumbfounded.

"You don't remember?" He sighs, looking away from him a bit before preparing to unleash his fury, "The damn mess between the Assassin's and Templars ya bilge rat! Damn it man how could you not remember?"

James said, sounding pissed, his expression serious with cold. Edward's eyes widened to the sudden yelling.

"We almost caught Laurens Prins back at Tulum, but your bloody actions prevented us from doing so!" James complains, using arm expressions to further prove his point. He pacing back and forth around the sand-filled lands of Nassau, basically listening to James ridicule him to no end.

"Edward, Christ! Doesn't the smell of riches wrinkle your nose?"

He was right. The infatuation of dibloons and gold beyond the horizon was something Edward would've loved to have, especially under his emotional circumstances.

"This isn't bloody you, you're much better than that man!"

Pfft, so what? He could do whatever the hell he wants to.

"You deserve all the ridicule from the Assassin's, putting their lives in jeopardy!" He rambled.

As he was rambling on and on, Edward knew there was one thing he could say that would stop his ranting.

Something that he knew.

Edward raised his hand, "I...I found the location from Laurens Prins, James" Edward said calmly. James had his eyes turn wide.

"What? How? Where?"

"We raided a Spanish fortress not too long ago, before the Prince attacked us in fact. We got the information that he was in the proximity in Kingston, Jamaica," Edward explains, going to say the next essential detail.

"The Sage is with him as well.." Edward let that sink in gradually into James.

James Kidd, now knowing this vital information, begins to walk off.

"And where are you going?" Edward asks, wondering why the young lad was suddenly leaving.

"While your sorry arse is staying here, I'm going to sail to King-

James suddenly remembered that his vessel, a small, but mobile schooner, was recently beached off the shores of the Caribbean Islands.

"Damn it! Bloody hell!" He exclaims, sounding pissed.

Kidd slowly sat down on the side of a porch, sitting on the wooden, creaky steps as he rubs his temples and facepalms.

At the moment, he had no form of transportation. None at all. For one, he couldn't just swim to Jamaica, that's pure madness. Second, he couldn't also just fly there either, as he was no bird.

Suddenly, James's mind hatched a brilliant idea.

He motions for Edward, "Hey Edward, could you come here for a moment?"

Edward raises a brow, curious as what he has to offer, goes up to Kidd. He sits down beside him.

"You realize our goals and targets collide with one another correct? You want the Sage, we want Prins. In fact we both want the two of them."

James explaining to Edward, Kenway nodding in approval.

"Aye, your right." He replied.

"So Kenway, why don't we travel on your Jackdaw together to Kingston then? We'll do it, together."

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