Jason sighs and rubs his temple. "It's... a long story."

flashback - Jason's POV

The cool breeze follows me inside the house when I open the door.

I just came home from going to the mall with Lucas. Emma's birthday is on March 6th, which is only a week and a half away, so I started searching for a good gift to give her.

When I went to Vancouver last year for her 15th birthday, she didn't appreciate the series collection of Scream - although it's her favourite classic horror movie - and she threw the Scream 2 DVD box at my face.

I smile as I shut the door, remembering how I made it up to her. A dozen of red velvet cupcakes from their local bakery.

I hear my mom in the kitchen, and I begin walking to her to say hi until I hear what she's talking about. "Does Emma know yet?"

I stop my moving, and take a peek inside the kitchen. I find no one other than mom there, except a phone on the counter right next to her. "No... I told you, I'll tell her when she's ready."

I instantly recognize Emma's mom's voice.

"Amanda you can't hide this from her!" Mom growls as she's cutting the carrots into slices.

"Oh don't be a hypocrite Daniella!" Her voice booms from the cell phone.

"I'm not! Well... Maybe I am, but I'll be telling him soon! Trust me, It'll be sooner than you."

"Well I'm sorry, but the divorce hit her really hard, and just casually saying she's a witch will make the situation worse. I need to be a good mother for her," I hear her sniffle through the phone call.

I widen my eyes and take a step back. Witches are real? Emma's a witch? What the-

"You should still tell her. She deserves to know," mom deadpans.

"Fine! I'll tell her if you tell Jason," she negotiates.

I widen my eyes further. I'm a witch too?

I look down at my hands, and refuse to believe whatever they're talking about.

"I'm not telling him! Not yet anyway," she mumbles the last bit.

"Then I'm not telling Emma!"

Seconds pass before mom responds. "Does Jessica know?"

"Yes... She does. But I've sworn her to secrecy. Which she isn't necessarily happy about."

"What have you gotten yourself into Mandy?" Moms disappointment rings through the room.

"I-I know. I have it all planned out though. I'm telling Emma on her 17th birthday."

Mom probably assumes that she's not finished talking so she keeps quiet. "Listen Danny... I need to ask a big favour from you."

Worried about how serious she sounds, mom stops cutting the vegetable and stares at the phone worriedly. "What is it hon?"

"I-I need Jason to stop speaking to Emma," I widen my eyes.

Mom stays silent, and I watch as her grip on the knife she's holding tightens. "What?" She says in a low voice, almost like a growl.

"I know, it's a lot to ask, but you need to understand. Emma's unstable. She can't control her powers and it's getting harder to hide it from her," she pleads through the phone.

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