And If... You mind your own business ?

Start from the beginning

It was hard, but for some things I had to let him learn life by himself. He was still very young, but later on he'll find out that people come and leave really fast, and that everybody isn't meant to stay permanently in your life. He'll also find out that the friends you have when you're little won't necessary be your friends when you'll all get older.

"We already told you, if someone put their hands on you, you go tell an adult first if you can. If you can't, it's your ultimate right to defend yourself."

He nodded, "he pushed me a few times, and Dorian pushed him back." I couldn't help but chuckle at that. Dorian was a hot head and wasn't the one you should mess with.

"Okay, but we don't want y'all to get in trouble, so tell your teacher before doing anything. What is his full name ? "

"Carlos Delvagos."

I grabbed my phone and wrote it in my notes, "I'll go talk to his parents and your teacher about this. After that and if he continues, I'll give you the permission to hit back and harder. People can't mess with you."

"Okay. Thank you, mommy." He grabbed my face and kissed my nose, making me giggle.

"You're welcome, baby. Someone else is causing you trouble ? "

He shook his head, "no, just him."

"Alright." We then watched the Looney Tunes together, waiting for Richard to get here with our breakfast.

"Mommy, do you know who did the joke to dad ? " He broke the silence.

"Uh, no, we don't know yet." I frowned, "how do you know about this ? " I let him know about the situation, telling him that his father was accused of doing something he didn't do, but without going into details. I didn't tell him that it was a joke, yet. I was about to, but obviously he was faster than I.

"They were talking about this on ESPN. Why they did it ? A joke is supposed to be funny, but it wasn't. My dad was in prison, I don't think it's a good joke." He angrily pouted as his eyebrows furrowed.

I looked at him, wondering where the years went by. He was growing up so fast, "I know. But don't worry, we'll find out who did this and they'll be punished for it. Okay ? " He nodded his head.

"Hey ! Where are y'all at ? " We suddenly heard a masculine voice coming from downstairs.

"It's dad ! " He jumped off the bed and went to greet his father. I was following behind not even a minute later.

"Hey, big boy. How you slept ? "


I heard them as I was making my way downstairs. I was still tired and wanted to go back to my bed, but I knew RJ wouldn't let me do that. Plus, I wasn't sure to be able to fall back asleep now that was up. I yawned, entering the kitchen.

"Who did you fight ? " He asked, making me smack my teeth as RJ laughed.

"Nobody. I just woke up."

"Yeah, we can clearly tell and smell."

"You stop encouraging him." I told RJ, who was laughing louder.

"Sorry, mommy, but dad is hilarious." He shrugged grinning.

"Oh, yeah ? " I asked with my hands on my hips, as he gave me a nod. "What did you bring us, Krusty the clown ? "

"Breakfast from McDonald's, with donuts from Krispy Kreme." He pointed the table.

I looked at my plate and grinned happily since he got all my favorites, "thank you so much." If the situation was different and not so awkward between us, I would have given him a hug.

And If... {completed and edited 2024}Where stories live. Discover now