Record 33: Writer Inside Me

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Why I write?

Write it until someone else will read it ♛

I write because I once dream to become an Author/writer. Wattpad helps a lot though I'm not sure if this site will help me to be discovered by the publishing company here in the Philippines.

I write because I love writing stories and I found joy in doing so. I have passion in this aspect. I know I lack many things in this kind of career but I still want to try. To know what I can do and how far this will takes me.

I write because I want that my stories will be read by many and be sold in all book store nation wide. I want to become an inspiration to others through my stories.

I write because I want to glorify God through the talent that He gave. I want Him to be known, His abounding love and His willingness to sacrifice for us even though we fail to recognize Him as our Lord and Savior. He is our first love, we just forgot Him because we are so in love to the world. I want us to be enlightened and to have the right choice. To stop achieving nonsense things that will only lead us to be perish.

For now, I don't have many readers and followers. I don't mind if I don't have many followers, but I do mind to have many readers.

If that so, I will continue writing and sharing stories. I love writing and this is where I can be Happy.

My happiness

I really can't contain the joy I felt every time I write stories.  I don't know what my readers felt with my writing.  I just hope they can feel my excitement and joy upon writing every chapters of my stories.

I really don't have this kind of feelings before in my other hobbies.  I love drawing and painting but I think I only do this when I had the mood to do it so,  I like taekwondo so much but later on I choose to give up my training,  I like art/crafting and I guest it always depends on my mood,  I like cooking, I like it not love it and I love traveling but my body doesn't want it. I have more than hobbies that I can't count them but writing stories is no like the other.

We cannot prevent the time that I felt drained and have nothing to write but most of the time I found joy in here. 

Actually,  I only have two people who I thought was supporting me in this.  Though the one I expected to support me don't undertanding how this thing captivated me or how does it affects my life. 

When I'm stress,  it helps me to keep my stress away and inspires me to keep going on in life.  When I had so much of reality this brings me to the world that can somehow refreshes me and I can face life again. 

This is one of my joy,  my happiness,  if others are material things,  for me it's writing stories.

A writer wish.

May be other author will think the same as how I think this moment. A wish that may be some of us imagine to have and see.

I wish that my readers that reads my work will share the same excitement and feeling I felt when I wrote it.

I wish that it may touch them and see the lesson that was kept in every stories.

I wish..that when I think i wrote it funny,  they'll laugh. When it's sad they may feel the same or encourage the main character.

I know I wrote fictional stories,  so everything in the story was fabricated and not true..

I wish it because,  that's only how I know that my story brings them into the world I had in mind when I wrote it. It is clear to them and understandable.

It means I did a great job. And of course God is so awesome, if not because of him I can't accomplish all of these things. He created me with this useful gift. 

How does a comment had a great impact to a wattpad writer?

Readers expressed their interest to a story by voting,  adding it to their reading list and leaving a comment through the chapters. 

Many wattpad writers appreciates every votes of their readers.  It is an assurance that they can write a good one worth of a vote.  Its lifting their confidence to themselves into this career.  Votes is the evidence of their hard work and dedication.  So yea!  Wattpad writers loves your votes.  So am I!

Writers also like when readers added their works into their reading list. It was a great privelege to them.  It is something they can boast about to others like 'look! They added my work into their reading list!'. It shows them that their work is an eye catching.  So this made them proud and overwhelmed.  It's their pride.


Most wattpad writer always check their readers comment.  Sometimes it is what make them so excited most when opening their wattpad app.  They want to know how will their readers react to their stories (fictional or non-fiction). It is a symbol of their effective writing.  Well,  it also helps them to see what is to improve and what to avoid when they were writing.  Reader may learned from the writer and so writer learned and improved through the comments of their readers.  It is a writers addiction as I entitled this chapter because writers can't get enough with their readers comment.  It's like their daily dose and is enough inspiration to write another chapter of their book. 

Many writers are not confident enough of their work though they are really potential.  So,  if this touched you.. Please encouraged one of many wattpad writers you know whom you love his or her writings.  Maybe they needed it to improved and developed their potential into this career.

I bet!  Your comment works!  It inspires and encourages them to keep writing their thoughts :)) ..

Law of attraction.

I love writing stories.  This is not just a hobby but its my passion. 

Last time I asked a publishing company.. But I just end up doing nothing.  I just realize maybe it is not yet time. 

Right now I am praying for God's plan for me in this career.  If it's for me..I know God will make a way but if not.. I know it will never even if how hard I try.

My friend said one time.. About my insomnia.. These past days I can hardly sleep at night so I told her about it.  She said some advices of what to do.. And something she said caught me. 

May nabasa akong book saying na kapag daw inulit ulit mong inisip ang isang bagay na gusto mong mangyari, mangyayari daw.
Tawag nung author dun ay Law of Attraction
So sabi nya, kapag nagiisip ka daw, nagpoproject ka ng signal to the universe and the universe them converts that into reality.
It’s probably one of the reason why people with huge imaginations tend to be the successfull ones
Pero how I interpret it is the same to having faith. Because when you keep thinking it then you start to believe it will surely happen. It’s equivalent to having faith. And projecting it to the universe means asking God to grant it. 😊

So I was convinced to pray for it and keep creating stories.  Sharing it here in wattpad.. And one day may be,  God will give me this break. 

My friend is such a big help.  But I don't know if she's aware about me and passion.  I just told her once,  and I don't know if she remembers.

Thank you for reading!  God bless!!

A Believer: Smiling Again (Vol. 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora