Record 29: How to...?

30 4 3

Lord, how to be happy again?

How to be contented of everything I have now?

How to keep my worries away?

How to sleep at night without any sleep disturbances?

How to love and accept others with who they are?

How to appreciate people around that cared so much for me?

How to be happy with who I am?

How to be contented with what I have?

How to forgive and let go of things not worth keeping for?

How to be friends with people I long to be friend?

How to help myself to stand?

How to share my smiles to others?

How to laugh so loud with real joy inside?

How to be new in your eyes?

How to stand and keep moving forward?

How to be a blessing?

How to be you, the bible describe as the "Christlikeness attitude"?

How to...

A Believer: Smiling Again (Vol. 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें