Chapter 1

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Song: Begin Again by Taylor swift

The night sky glistened in the light of the moon, tiny stars spread around like children in a playground. I rolled down the car window and welcomed the august breeze that still carried summer. My eyes wandered to the people outside as the car stopped at a signal. A girl wearing a yellow dress waiting for the bus, a group of high school kids eating ice-cream as they laughed at each other.

"You want to grab some ice-cream?" Said Cole from beside me.

I turned away from the window and looked at him, his eyes on the road ahead, his curly brown hair dancing around. 

"No, I'm full" I replied to him.

He nodded, looking at me slightly with a smile then started the car as the green light came on.

It took us ten more minutes to reach my house, Cole stopped the car in the driveway. An awkward silence expanded as I thought about what to say.

"I had fun tonight" I said turning towards him.

"You sure? Didn't seem like it." Replied Cole already facing me. That gentle smile gracing his face.

"No...its not like that, I really did enjoy it. And I'd like to do this again sometime" I replied with a smile of my own.

"Well, that's a relief to hear, really, cause I was stressing out the whole night that you were bored"

A laugh escaped me at his words. Cole did seem stressed out the whole night, making sure I was okay, I was comfortable. A total gentleman.

"I think it would be better if you don't stress out the next time and just enjoy.  You stressing out makes me stress out"

"Noted" he replied with a nod, his perfect smile still plastered on his soft face. "I'm just really glad there is going to be a next time"

I smiled back at him and turned towards my house,wondering what everyone was up to.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow at work then?" I said grabbing my bag.

"Yea, see you tomorrow" Replied Cole.

I pushed the door open and stepped out.

"Thankyou for tonight Cole, I had a wonderful time."

"Pleasure is all mine"

I smiled at him one last time and was about to close the door when his voice stopped me.


"Yeah?" I said, opening the car door wide so I could see him.

"It's not going to work right? You and me?"

The smile on my face flattened. I didn't know what to say cause I didn't know myself the answer to this question.

"I'm sorry, I'm pressuring you too much-" started Cole.

"No Cole, you're not" I replied quickly, not wanting him to feel bad.

"You don't have to answer that, I'll see you tomorrow" he said and started the car.

I nodded and said my goodbye, closing the car door in front of me. I turned around and started walking towards the front door, wind passing by me like a stranger. Taking out the key from my purse I opened the door and stepped in, turning around to wave a final goodbye at Cole. I watched as he smiled and backed the car out of the driveway.

Closing the door infront of me, I turned and looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

10:30 PM it read.

Begin AgainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz