Glass Slipper

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            Evie was talking with Emma at her house she going over the shaking hand and the vision Emma said "How do you know about this?" she said "I experienced it the same time you did, except I'm no longer a Savior just a Goddess" she said "Oh" she said "I can tell you the visions will come more and more and soon you'll know who you're facing" she said "I must ask why me?" she said "It's part of being a Savior, it's a test we all must go through to achieve our happy ending" she said "What was your's?" she said "Defeating Hades, I barely survived my test but look at me now". She said "I keep seeing my death, how is that great?" she said "You're not seeing the full picture just snippets, when I was the Dark One I saw my vision of my end as well why didn't you think I wanted to sacrifice myself in the end believing that would lead me to my battle" she said "Should I tell the others?" she said "Once you get the handle of the visions and control the shaking hand then you should". She said "In Camelot, your plans did they involve me being the one person you could trust?" she said "Yes, why did you think I put you in the mirror for" she said "I thought because I could stop you from everything" she said "I trusted you in letting me do what was necessary and you did, Emma from one Savior to another you will win this fight" she said "How do you know that?" she said "I believe it, and as Goddess of Hope I'm betting on it". Evie and Emma walked into Granny's she greeted Hook and sat with him when Ella came in with little Alexandra she said "Evie" she said "Ella" she said "I was wondering if I could see who the newcomers are to see if they have any kids for the daycare" she said "That seems like a reasonable idea" she said "You mind watching Alexandra while I do so" Evie got up and let Hook do just that she stopped by Emma as they both watched Hook playing with Alexandra she said "You've overcome a lot Evie, when are you going to settle down with Hook?" she said "One thing I know Emma, is life is too short and I don't want to waste another minute and the plan is to talk to him about it" she said "Let me guess finding the time to do so?" she said "Yeah". Ella spoke to Hook she said "When are you and Evie going to get any chance of a fairy-tale ending?" he looking at Evie talking with Emma he said "We're taking things slow, quite slow actually I'm still sleeping on a cot on a pirate ship" she said "I have a good feeling about you and Evie, believe me if I can have a happy ending anyone can".

            Evie was taking a stroll with Hook she was prepared to ask him about their relationship when Thomas carrying Alexandra stopped them he said "Evie" she said "Thomas, what is it?" he said "It's Ella, she's missing and so is my hunting rifle" he gave her the note she read it she said "Clorinda, she her stepsister?" he said "Evil may be the best term" she said "You think she'll hurt Ella?" he said "More like the other way around" Evie said "I can track her" he said "How?" she said "I'm her best friend and she's Cinderella by a shoe" she manifest Ella's shoe she said "I'll bring her back to you". Evie roped Emma in on a quest to finding Ella while Hook got to see Evie's new powers in action they came to where Ella was she holding the rifle she said "Evie, what are you doing?" she said "We're your friends, why are you threatening us?" she said "I'm not, but I have to save my sister" she said "Ella remember during the curse, what were we?" she said "Friends, sisters" she said "You wouldn't harm me then and now let us help you" she said "I have do this alone" she said "You're never alone" Emma's hand started to shake Evie turned to see it when Ella left running Hook said "Emma?" Evie said "Emma, relax" she said "I can't Evie, it won't stop" she said "Believe in yourself Emma, then it will" she trying Evie turned to see Ella gone she said "Killian, stay with her I have to help Ella before she get's killed" she vanished in a cloud of light Emma said "Sorry" Hook said "It's okay".  Evie appeared when Ella with Clorinda faced off against Lady Tremaine she was aimed to be rid of Ella once and for all when Evie said "Leave my friend alone, witch" she holding the rifle she said "Who are you? Some wretch" she said "No, I'm Evie Mills and she is my friend and you have no power here" she said "Oh I don't, silly me" she aimed to shoot Ella when Evie magic the rifle to her hands she said "This is my town, and like I said you have no power here" Emma and Hook came a running she said "What took you two long?" he said "Well, we were running". Lady Tremaine put on trash control by Leroy while everyone enjoyed a happy day Lady Tremaine wanted to know who Evie is Leroy said "She's Evil Queen's daughter" she said "Oh that explains it". Hook sitting with Evie as they saw Ella reconnecting with Clorinda she turned to Hook she said "Move in with me" he said "What?" looking at her curious she said "Move in with me, given everything we've overcome and seeing how Ella has it all despite everything I want that for us" he said "I would love to move in with you" he leaned in and kissed her while Hyde was able to pick the lock on his shackles and broke free he smiled at amusement that these people have no idea what he has in store for them.

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