Alive and Fabulous

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             Evie and Hook were wasting no time in being apart they filled the time in with lounging around in her house of course Evie spilled the beans of her acquired powers and new title he said "Let me get this straight, you're a god now and that you had the choice to be on Mount Olympus but chose to return home?" she said "You make it out to be one or the option? I could've stayed with my grandparents but I would have a void in my heart that I couldn't fill that is why I choose you Killian and I will always choose you because we are true love and no one or nothing in this world will stop that" he said "Good enough answer for me" as he kissed her on her couch. Evie never wanted to part from him till they felt a shake he said "What was that?" she said "Airplane?" she got up and swooshed a remarkable outfit on he said "Let's see what disturbed our time". Coming out of the house to see a flying dirigible overhead she and him went to find it crashed and a loathing figure stood to greet them he said "Storybrooke is my town now" Emma and Regina used their magic on him to no avail he said "Do be careful, nothing more dangerous than an untold story and the people who don't want them told" he scurried off while Team Heroes went to search the wreckage. Evie found several tracks of people heading to the forest she said "They ran real fast to take cover, perhaps Mutton chops scared them?" Snow said "We should help them" Dr. Jekyll said "Recall the baton that used to subdue Hyde is the same parts that made the dirigible I can fashion what I find here to do the exact same thing" David said "Let's get salvaging". David tossed a platter that clinked Emma and Evie both reacted to the sound sharing the same vision coming to Hook said "Evie, you okay?" Snow said "Emma, you okay?" Evie looked at Emma she said "I'm fine, maybe I'm sensitive to my surroundings giving being dead and all, let's go find some parts for that weapon" she walked off and trying to shake that vision.

               Regina came home to find Zelena unpacking her stuff since Evie will be living in her house now and she had it in disarray she said "Sorry, I didn't know I had lot of stuff" Regina said "Well, Evie just poofed her stuff to her house". Zelena went and hugged her she said "Empty-nest?" she said "I get it, she's an adult but she's my little girl" she said "She will always be your little girl, but it was a great thing she gave us our memories back that our mom took from us" she said "Yeah, it was a great thing" she said "Roland before he left had a feather to give to you and I misplaced it" she said "It's okay, you'll find it eventually, in meantime we have Mr.Hyde to deal with and sealing off the house and vault from him" she said "Well, I will be cleaning up my mess while you do that". Evie the backup when Hyde would decide to overpower them as they took him down he applauded their work ethic while Emma was dealing with the fallout of the vision Evie appeared and whipped shackles on him he said "You, I heard stories about the fierce Hope but to see her in person is remarkable" she said "Well it looks like you're so out of your league" he chuckled he said "Well touche" as he hauled away he went as far as poking at Emma about her tremors when he went into the car talking about him knowing what they mean if she wanted to know. Evie greeted Hyde in his cell after Emma had chatted with him about her tremors he believing her to be Emma he said "Back for more, Savior" chuckling she said "We haven't officially met I'm Evie Mills the one that shackled you" he turned around he said "Hope, I can see why you would change your name it gives a whole new meaning" she smirked she said "This is my home and you of all people are on a one-stop shuttle to out of nowhere" he said "Have you felt the tremors also? Given you were First Savior and all?" she said "Let me guess, you told Emma lies she's too smart to fall for your crappy advice". He said "Oh, Dark One told me you were back from the dead as a Dark One and you're still adapting to stuff, aren't you?" she said "Let's get one thing straight, I don't like you and what you're planning won't work these so called untold stories will get a happy ending just to piss you off, enjoy isolation because that's all you're getting" she left.

              Evie went to pouring a glass of bourbon she heard Aunt Zelena she said "Rough day?" she said "You could say that" she plopped down on the sofa Zelena sat beside her she said "Aunt Zelena, does my mother resent me because I'm alive and Robin isn't?" she said "Of course not, she loves you through and through she's saddened you moved out but it's not like you're to live with her forever" she said "Thank you for the advice, perhaps when we find these new arrivals you and me go out for ladies night and we can cause mayhem" she said "I'll hold you to it" she hugged her. Evie had dressed for Hook to make up for this morning he came in he said "Evie, what's wrong?" he walked in to the house to see her dressed enchanting as ever she said "I know

 we were interrupted earlier but this should make up for it not?" he looking at her he said "Yeah" she said "Good, because I want a future where we are together and I want everything it entails" he kissed her he said "Going through all this troubl...

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 we were interrupted earlier but this should make up for it not?" he looking at her he said "Yeah" she said "Good, because I want a future where we are together and I want everything it entails" he kissed her he said "Going through all this trouble for me?" she said "I would do anything for you" they began making-out in the house.

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