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The month preparation is done. The flag had reached the top. Our heroes are now ready for the war. "A chess game!" Drella exclaimed. "Why a chess game? You don't even know how to play chess, Marysse!"

"Well, at least I could try," Marysse said, fixing her war armor. "It's literally a chess game. I will be placed with the pawns; Nathan, Drella and Saint, at the tower; Kier will be with horsemen; Marney will be with the Holy Council; Erik, I will leave the Gate of Heaven to you and Mariah will protect you."

"It sounds impossible," Mariah said.

"No, it isn't," Marysse said. "Let's have a little faith. I'm sure we'll win this." There was an exchange of glances. All of them were nervous of this war. "I will fight for Oceanadia," Kier said, smiling. "Who wouldn't want to restore peace to Froia? I'm sure all of us do."

"For the Nymph Island," Mariah said cheerfully.

"For Sapphireon," Saint said as he smiled at Mariah.

"For Aereon, right Erik?" Drella said. Erik nodded. "You can count me in," he said.

"For Dragona," Marney said and held Nathan's hand.

"Let's all do this for Froia," I said, happily.

"For Froia!" they chorused.

At the battlefield. . .

"Hello Marysse," Juriss said. "Why are you with the weaklings? Did you finally accept how weak you are?" The demons laughed.

"I don't have to place myself at the top to prove how powerful I've become," Marysse said. Juriss looked at her in fear as if she knows something. Marysse was smiling at her. "We will take Froia from you!" Juriss commanded the demons to charge. Marysse gestured to charge. The Sapphireon warriors, Oceanadian knights and Aereon's wizards went to fight the demons. The war then began.

"Saint," Marysse called, flying. "Ready the archers! Nathan, use your sonic waves to make sure that the arrows hit the targets. Drella, use your wind magic so it will travel faster!" And so, Nathan strummed his guitar to create sonic waves as Saint and his troupes released the arrows from their bows. Drella then used her wind magic as what Marysse told her.

Half of the demon army were hit. Marysse smiled. This plan might actually work, she thought. She turned to Kier and nodded. The demon horsemen galloped towards the army. Kier stopped them by flooding them away from the army. "You've always want revenge from that demi-god, aren't you Prissy?" Juriss asked. Prissy watched the demons being washed away. She gave Juriss a grin. She flew over the flood and turned it into ice.

Kier looked at her. "Hello, Kier," she said. "You may have won at the duel, but this time you're going to lose!" Kier was about to fly towards her but Marysse stopped him. "It's not yet time, Kier," she told him. "You'll have your chances later on." He nodded and went back to his group.

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